GET /platform/v1/key/type

Retrieves supported key algorithms and appropriate key lengths. Data at Rest Encryption is a prerequisite for this feature.

x-request-idstringHeader parameter: Request ID for the request. Default Format: d0b531e1-9e61-43e4-bf1b-4b8dc49a16c2
x-mccs-user-contextstringHeader parameter: Indicates the MCCS user context. Example: EID=111;MID=111;EmployeeId=111.
x-mccs-keystore-providerstringHeader parameter: Specify a key store provider to use for an ImportKey or WrappingKey request. Examples: kms, keysecure, database. Default: keysecure.
x-mccs-macstringHeader parameter: Specify the message authentication code for the request.
200  Successfully retrieved LOVs
 keystringkey Data
 valueintegerFormat: int32.
500  Unable to process request
 statusCodeintegerFormat: int32.

Example Request

Example Response