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POST /push/v1/messageBatch/{messageid}/send

Sends unique messages to devices. Each batch can include a maximum of 5,000 subscriber key or device token values, depending on which value the call uses.

messageIDstringThe ID of the message to update
deviceTokensarrayRequired. The device tokens of the mobile devices that will receive the message. Required if subscriberKeys is not set.
subscriberKeysarrayRequired. The subscriber keys of the mobile devices that will receive the message. Required if deviceTokens is not set.
inclusionTagsarrayAn array of tags that identify the contacts who receive the message.
exclusionTagsarrayAn array of tags that identify the contacts who are excluded from receiving the message.
sendTimedateA timestamp that specifies when to send the message. Specify this value in yyyy-MM-dd HH format.
messagearrayRequired. Components of the message to include in the send.
message.alertstringRequired. Message text displayed on the recipient's device.
message.soundstringThe filename of the sound to play when the message is received.
message.badgestringFor iOS SDK version 4.9.5 and newer: Overrides the value on the push message definition. Badge count displays this number in a badge on the app and increments this number by one for each new unread message. For older iOS SDK versions: Overrides the value on the push message definition. Badge count does not increment.
message.openDirectstringThe value used as the OpenDirect destination.
message.customarrayA custom message definition. Specify this value using escaped JSON.
message.keysarrayAn array of key–value pairs to use as custom keys that are sent with the message request body.
titlestringThe title to use in place of the message's original title.
subtitlestringThe subtitle to use in place of the message's original subtitle.
mutable-contentbooleanIf true, rich push functionality is enabled for the message.

The request must include either a DeviceTokens or SubscriberKeys array. It must also include the details of the message itself.

The response includes the tokenId value for each message.