POST /messaging/v1/email/seed-lists/

Creates a seed-list for an account. The MID and Partner AppId is used from authentication. There's a retention period of 60 days for the seed-list. To stay active, update seed lists every 30 days, even when they're unchanged. An account can have 20 seed-lists, and each seed-list is allowed 500 seeds.

NameType   Description
namestring  RequiredNames the seed-list to be created.
descriptionstring   If the name doesn't fully describe the seed-list, a description is provided.
seedsarray of objects  RequiredHolds a list of objects, each containing a single name:value pair.
  emailstringRequiredEach record, up to and including 500, contains a valid email address of the seed.
201  Successful creation of a seed list
 idstringA globally unique identifier (GUID)
HTTP StatusDescription
400The proposed seed-list name exists already.
400Partner App has 20 active seed-lists.
400The request has more than 500 seeds
400The seed-list name is longer than 128 characters.
400An email address under seeds is incorrect in format.
401The request comes from an invalid partner app.
429API rate limit throttling is preventing success.