GET /messaging/v1/email/messages/?type=notSent

Gets a paginated list of messages that were not sent, ordered from oldest to newest.

typestringRequiredOnly notSent is supported.
$pageSizeintegerNumber of messageKeys (array elements) to return per response page.
lastEventIdintegerEvent ID from which you want the response to start. To obtain the initial event ID, submit a request without a lastEventId. The events in the response are listed top to bottom from oldest to newest.
200  Success. Review example response.
 lastEventIDintegerEvent ID from which you want the response to start. To obtain the initial event ID, submit a request without a lastEventId. The events in the response are listed top to bottom from oldest to newest.
 statusCodeintegerInteger value of the reason the send did not complete. Review Email Send Error Codes for more information.
 statusMessagestringThe reason the send did not complete. Review Email Send Error Codes for more information.
 eventCategoryTypestringTransactionalSendEvent event type. EmailSent indicates that the email was sent to the email provider. EmailNotSent indicates that the email was not sent and includes the reason. EmailQueued indicates that the email has not yet been processed for sending.
 timestampstringTime the event occured in Central Standard Time (no daylight savings)
 definitionKeystringUnique identifier of the definition.
 eventIDintegerNumeric identifier of the event.
 messageKeystringUnique identifier to track message send status.
 contactKeystringUnique identifier for a subscriber.
 tostringChannel address of the recipient. For email, it’s the recipient's email address. For SMS, it’s the recipient's mobile number.
200 OKSuccess. Review example response.
400 Bad RequestInvalid request
401 UnauthorizedFailed to pass authorization.
500 Server ErrorInternal error