Runtime Toggles
The Runtime Toggle feature, also known as Feature Toggles, enables you to dynamically enable or disable specific functionalities within the SDK without the need to reinitialize it. With Runtime Toggles, you have control over the following features.
- Analytics: Enables or disables Marketing Cloud Engagement analytics services.
- PI (Predictive Intelligence) Analytics: Enables or disables Salesforce Predictive Intelligence analytics services.
- Inbox: Enables or disables inbox messaging services.
- Geofence: Enables or disables geolocation-based notification and messaging services.
- Proximity: Enables or disables proximity-based (aka beacon) notification and messaging services.
Use Runtime Toggles to fine-tune your application’s behavior, adapt to changing requirements, and ensure compliance with GDPR regulations effortlessly.
To interact with the Runtime Toggles, the SDK provides APIs for each feature to set and get the status of toggled feature.
The functionality of analytic runtime toggles entails several actions when disabling it. Firstly, it involves the removal of all non-billable analytics, and secondly, it ensures that the SDK doesn’t record any non-billable analytics.
Non-billable analytics consist of data used in reports that help marketers track the effectiveness of their messaging, such as monitoring push notifications and inbox open rates.
Conversely, billable analytics are designed to inform Engagement of a billable action, without collecting any user-specific information. Therefore, even with analytics turned off, some data is still sent to Engagement, but only for billable events and without any user-related details from the device.
For information on enabling analytics for your apps, see Analytics.