External Activity Object

External activity helps marketers use all of their prospect engagement to drive their marketing automations. There are two main components to external activity: an extension, which represents an integration, and the activity type, which is the type of engagement that can be submitted. For example, an extension can be an integration with Zoom, and the activity type can be registered for call and attended call.

The API to create External Activities follows the conventions described in Version 5 Overview.

OperationHTTP VerbURL FormatAbility RequirementsNotes
CreatePOSThttps://pi.pardot.com/api/v5/external-activitiesProspect > External Activity > CreateRequires completion of External Activities implementation steps
ReadGEThttps://pi.pardot.com/api/v5/external-activities/<id>?<params>Prospect > External Activity > ViewRequires completion of External Activities implementation steps
QueryGEThttps://pi.pardot.com/api/v5/external-activitiesProspect > External Activity > ViewRequires completion of External Activities implementation steps
extensionStringName of the extension for this activity.
typeStringThe type of external activity for this record. It must be a value from one of the registered types in the account.
emailStringThe email address of the prospect related to this external activity. If there are multiple prospects with the specified email address, the one with the most recent activity is selected.
valueStringAny string value related to this activity. This value isn’t checked and can be any value. The value can be 100 characters or less.
activityDateDatetimeThe date the external activity happened. It can be used by the user to backdate the activity. If not specified, then the current date is used. Must be in ISO8601 format with offset. Example: 2021-01-01T11:08:00+00:00

Create an external activity with the specified fields. If no value specified for activityDate the current time is used.

Retrieve a single external activity object following the conventions described in the Version 5 Overview.

Example Request

Example Response

Retrieving a collection of external activities follows the conventions described in Version 5 Overview.

Example Request

Example Response

When executing a query, the following fields can be specified in the orderBy parameter. See the conventions for query described in the Version 5 Overview.

  • id

When executing a query, the following parameters can be used to filter the returned results. These parameters can be specified in the request along with any shared parameters defined in Version 5 Overview. When specifying more than one parameter, all parameters must match the record in order for it to be returned in the results.

idReturns any external activity where id is equal to the given integer value.
idListReturns any external activity where id is included in the given list of values.
idGreaterThanReturns any external activity where id is greater than the specified value, non-inclusive.
idGreaterThanOrEqualToReturns any external activity where id is greater than or equal to the specified value.
idLessThanReturns any external activity where id is less than the specified value, non-inclusive.
idLessThanOrEqualToReturns any external activity where id is less than or equal to the specified value.
createdAtReturns any external activity where createdAt is equal to the given datetime value.
createdAtAfterReturns any external activity where createdAt is after the given datetime value, non-inclusive.
createdAtAfterOrEqualToReturns any external activity where createdAt is after or equal to the given datetime value.
createdAtBeforeReturns any external activity where createdAt is before the given datetime value, non-inclusive.
createdAtBeforeOrEqualToReturns any external activity where createdAt is before or equal to the given datetime value.
activityDateReturns any external activity where activityDate is equal to the given datetime value.
activityDateAfterReturns any external activity where activityDate is after the given datetime value, non-inclusive.
activityDateAfterOrEqualToReturns any external activity where activityDate is after or equal to the given datetime value.
activityDateBeforeReturns any external activity where activityDate is before the given datetime value, non-inclusive.
activityDateBeforeOrEqualToReturns any external activity where activityDate is before or equal to the given datetime value.

The External Activity API is subject to its own limits governing daily requests, concurrent requests, and requests per minute. All External Activity API requests count against the limits defined for the External Activity API and don’t consume any standard Account Engagement API daily request or concurrency limits. All Account Engagement editions have the same limit of 200 requests per minute. Any request that exceeds this limit receives a 429 Too Many Requests response until the next minute.

EditionDaily External Activity RequestsConcurrent RequestsRequests Per Minute