Object Field References

  • Requests create, update, and upsert manipulate fields marked as 'Editable'.
  • 'Required' means that the specified field can't be left without a value during insert and some upsert requests. Account Engagement declines any update request that clears a required field.
  • During update requests, unless otherwise specified the parameter names submitted to the API and tag names in the API's response match field names within the Account Engagement user interface.
Field NameData TypeRequiredEditableDescription
idintegerAccount Engagement ID for this account.
levelstringThe level of product for the account.
websitestringAccount website.
vanity_domainstringCustom vanity domain name.
plugin_campaign_idintegerPlugin ID for account campaign.
tracking_code_templatestringMarkup and code for use in tracking templates.
address1stringAccount contact address, line 1.
address2stringAccount contact address, line 2.
citystringAccount contact city.
statestringAccount contact state.
territorystringAccount contact territory.
zipintegerAccount contact ZIP code.
countrystringAccount contact country (full string).
phonestringAccount contact phone number.
faxstringAccount contact fax number.
Field NameData TypeRequiredEditableDescription
idintegerXAccount Engagement ID for this campaign.
namestringXCampaign's name.
costintegerXCost related to the campaign.
Field NameData TypeRequiredEditableDescription
idintegerXAccount Engagement ID for this custom field.
namestringXCustom field's name.
field_idstringAPI ID for custom field
typestringXType of field.
type_idintegerAccount Engagement ID for custom field's type.
created_attimestampTime custom field is created in Account Engagement. Time is reported in API user's preferred timezone.
updated_attimestampLast time custom field was updated. Time is reported in API user's preferred timezone.
is_record_multiple_responsesbooleanXIf true, this custom field records multiple responses.
crm_idstringXThe CRM ID of the field you want to map to this custom field.
is_use_valuesbooleanXIf true, this custom field uses predefined values.
is_analytics_syncedbooleanIf true, this custom field is marked to sync with Tableau CRM.
Field NameData TypeRequiredEditableDescription
idintegerXAccount Engagement ID for this custom redirect.
namestringCustom redirect's name.
UrlstringURL for the custom redirect.
destinationstringURL the custom redirect leads to
campaignstringThe campaign associated with this custom redirect.
created_attimestampTime custom redirect is created in Account Engagement. Time is reported in API user's preferred timezone.
updated_attimestampLast time custom redirect was updated. Time is reported in API user's preferred timezone.
Field NameData TypeRequiredEditableDescription
idintegerXAccount Engagement ID for this dynamic content.
namestringDynamic content's name.
embedCodestringCode to embed this dynamic content onto your webpage.
embedUrlstringURL to embed this dynamic content.
baseContentstringThe default dynamic content.
basedOnstringField that this dynamic content is based on.
variationnodeThe variation of content that the prospect sees based on the field's value. Note: Information about a variation is returned in a <variation> node in the XML response. It contains the value of the field in the <comparison> tag and the content of the variation in the <content> tag.
created_attimestampTime dynamic content is created in Account Engagement. Time is reported in API user's preferred timezone.
updated_attimestampLast time dynamic content was updated. Time is reported in API user's preferred timezone.
Field NameData TypeRequiredEditableDescription
idintegerXAccount Engagement ID for this email.
namestringName of this email.
subjectstringEmail subject.
messageXML ObjectContains text and html elements of different formats.
created_atTimestampTime the email is created.
Field NameData TypeRequiredEditableDescription
idintegerXAccount Engagement ID for this email click.
prospect_idintegerAccount Engagement ID for the associated prospect.
urlstringURL of the email click.
list_email_idintegerAccount Engagement ID for the associated list email. Value not present if null.
drip_program_action_idintegerAccount Engagement ID for the associated drip program action. Value not present if null.
email_template_idintegerAccount Engagement ID for the associated email template. Value not present if null.
tracker_redirect_idintegerAccount Engagement ID for the associated tracker redirect. Value not present if null.
created_attimestampTime that email click occurs. Time is reported in API user's preferred timezone.
Field NameData TypeRequiredEditableDescription
idintegerXAccount Engagement ID for this form.
namestringForm's name.
campaign_idstringAccount Engagement ID of the campaign associated with this form.
embed_codestringThe code used to embed the form on your webpage.
created_attimestampTime form is created in Account Engagement. Time is reported in API user's preferred timezone.
updated_attimestampLast time form was updated. Time is reported in API user's preferred timezone.
Field NameData TypeRequiredEditableDescription
idintegerXAccount Engagement ID for this identified company.
namestringIdentified Company's name.
street_addressstringIdentified Company's street address.
citystringIdentified Company's city.
statestringIdentified Company's state.
postal_codestringIdentified Company's postal code.
countrystringIdentified Company's country.
emailstringIdentified Company's email address.
Field NameData TypeRequiredEditableDescription
idintegerXAccount Engagement ID of this lifecycle history.
prospect_idintegerAccount Engagement ID for the prospect in this stage.
previous_stage_idintegerAccount Engagement ID of the stage this prospect previously was in.
next_stage_idintegerAccount Engagement ID of the stage this prospect is in next.
seconds_elapsedintegerNumber of seconds for prospect to get to current stage.
created_attimestampTime lifecycle history is created in Account Engagement. Time is reported in API user's preferred timezone.
Field NameData TypeRequiredEditableDescription
idintegerXAccount Engagement ID of this lifecycle stage.
namestringLifecycle stage's name.
positionintegerLifecycle stage's position in lifecycle.
is_lockedbooleanIf true, lifecycle stage is locked.
Field NameData TypeRequiredEditableDescription
idintegerXAccount Engagement ID of this list.
namestringXList's name (internal to Account Engagement).
is_publicbooleanXIf true, list shows on EPC pages to prospects.
is_dynamicbooleanIf true, list has prospects dynamically added to it via a set of chosen rules.
titlestringXList's title (visible to subscribers)
descriptionstringXList's description.
is_crm_visiblebooleanXIf true, list is visible in CRM, and can be added to, or removed from.
created_attimestampTime list is created in Account Engagement. Time is reported in API user's preferred timezone.
updated_attimestampLast time list was updated. Time is reported in API user's preferred timezone.
Field NameData TypeRequiredEditableDescription
idintegerXAccount Engagement ID for this list membership.
list_idintegerXAccount Engagement ID of the list for this membership.
prospect_idintegerXAccount Engagement ID of the prospect for this membership.
opted_outintegerXIf value is 1, the prospect is unsubscribed from receiving emails from this list.
created_attimestampTime that this membership is created in Account Engagement. Time is reported in API user's preferred timezone.
updated_attimestampLast time that this membership was updated. Time is reported in API user's preferred timezone.

When using the v3 Export API or v4 Export API to export list membership, the following fields are selectable for export in addition to the list membership fields listed above.

Note: The following fields are only available via the Export API and are only exported if selected via fields parameter specified in export create request.

Field NameData TypeDescription
created_byintegerAccount Engagement ID for the user who created this object.
updated_byintegerAccount Engagement ID for the user who last updated this object.
Field NameData TypeRequiredEditableDescription
idintegerXAccount Engagement ID for this opportunity.
campaign_idintegerXXAccount Engagement ID of the campaign associated with this opportunity.
  • Note: Information about an opportunity's campaign association is returned in a <campaign> node in the XML response. However, updates to campaign associations are made by providing campaign_id=<campaign_id> during an <UPDATE> request. See XML Response in the Campaign documentation for more details.
namestringXXOpportunity's name
valuefloatXXOpportunity's value.
  • Restrictions: The value must be a positive numeric value.
probabilityintegerXXOpportunity's probability.
  • Restrictions: The value must be a positive integer from 0 through 100, inclusive.
typestringXOpportunity's type.
stagestringXOpportunity's stage.
statusstringXOpportunity's status.
  • Restrictions: status must be either won, lost, or open.
closed_attimestampXOpportunity's closed date.
  • Note If this field is left blank, the closed_at timestamp (Closed Date within the app) is not set, even when the Opportunity's stage, status, or probability are set to indicate opportunity closure.
created_attimestampTime opportunity is created in Account Engagement. Time is reported in API user's preferred timezone.
updated_attimestampLast time opportunity was updated in Account Engagement. Time is reported in the API user's preferred timezone.
Field NameData TypeRequiredEditableDescription
idintegerXAccount Engagement ID for this profile.
namestringProfile's name.
Field NameData TypeRequiredEditableDescription
idintegerXRequired. Account Engagement ID for this profile criteria.
namestringProfile criteria's name.
matchesstringXThe matching status of this profile criteria with the current prospect.
  • Restrictions: Updates can be performed by using the values match, nomatch, or unknown.
Field NameData TypeRequiredEditableDescription
idintegerXAccount Engagement ID for this prospect.
campaign_idintegerXAccount Engagement ID of the campaign associated with this prospect
  • Note: Information about a prospect's campaign association is returned in a <campaign> node in the XML response. However, updates to campaign associations are made by providing campaign_id=<campaign_id> during an <UPDATE> request. See XML Response Formats in Prospects for more details.
salutationstringXProspect's formal prefix.
first_namestringXProspect's first name.
last_namestringXProspect's last name.
emailstringXXProspect's email address.
passwordstringXProspect's password.
companystringXProspect's company.
prospect_account_idintegerXProspect's account ID.
websitestringXProspect's website URL.
job_titlestringXProspect's job title.
departmentstringXProspect's department.
countrystringXProspect's country.
address_onestringXProspect's address, line 1.
address_twostringXProspect's address, line 2.
citystringXProspect's city.
statestringXProspect's US state.
territorystringXProspect's territory.
zipstringXProspect's postal code.
phonestringXProspect's phone number.
faxstringXProspect's fax number.
sourcestringXProspect's source.
annual_revenuestringXProspect's annual revenue.
employeesstringXProspect's number of employees.
industrystringXProspect's industry.
years_in_businessstringXProspect's number of years in business.
commentsstringXComments about this prospect.
notesstringXNotes about this prospect
  • Note: Available for export, but only exported if selected via fields parameter specified in export create request.
scoreintegerXProspect's score.
gradestringProspect's letter grade
  • Note: Available for export, but only exported if selected via fields parameter specified in export create request.
last_activity_attimestampTime stamp of this prospect's latest visitor activity; Time is reported in API user's preferred timezone.
recent_interactionstringDescribes the prospect's most recent interaction with Account Engagement (Not available for V3/V4 export).
crm_lead_fidstringProspect's lead ID in a supported CRM system.
crm_contact_fidstringProspect's contact ID in a supported CRM system.
crm_owner_fidstringProspect's owner ID in a supported CRM system.
crm_account_fidstringAccount ID in a supported CRM system.
crm_last_synctimestampLast time this prospect was synced with a supported CRM system.
crm_urlstringURL to view the prospect within the CRM system (Not available for V3/V4 export).
is_do_not_emailbooleanXIf value is 1, prospect prefers not to be emailed.
is_do_not_callbooleanXIf value is 1, prospect prefers not to be called.
opted_outbooleanIf value is 1, prospect has opted out of marketing communications.
is_reviewedbooleanXIf value is 1, prospect has been reviewed.
is_starredbooleanXIf value is 1, prospect has been starred.
is_archivedbooleanXIf value is 1, prospect has been archived.
created_attimestampTime prospect is created in Account Engagement; Time is reported in API user's preferred timezone.
updated_attimestampLast time prospect was updated in Account Engagement; Time is reported in API user's preferred timezone.

When using the v3 Export API or v4 Export API to export prospects, the following prospect fields are selectable for export in addition to the prospect fields listed above.

Note: The following fields are only available via the Export API and are only exported if selected via fields parameter specified in export create request.

Field NameData TypeDescription
converted_attimestampTime when prospect was converted from visitor; Time is reported in API user's preferred timezone
converted_from_object_typestringType of object associated with visitor activity that resulted in prospect being converted from visitor. Supported values include 'Form', 'FormHandler', 'LandingPage', 'MultivariateTestVariation', and 'Video'.
converted_from_object_namestringName of object associated with visitor activity that resulted in prospect being converted from visitor.
do_not_sellbooleanIndicates whether the visitor recorded an activity with the Global Privacy Control Header enabled.
is_email_hard_bouncedbooleanif value is 1, prospect email address has hard bounced.
email_bounced_attimestampTime when prospect email address hard bounced; Time is reported in API user's preferred timezone.
email_bounced_reasonstringReason why prospect email address hard bounced.
first_assigned_attimestampTime prospect was first assigned to a user; Time is reported in API user's preferred timezone.
first_activity_attimestampTime when first visitor activity occurred for this prospect; Time is reported in API user's preferred timezone.
first_referrer_urlstringFirst referrer's URL.
first_referrer_typestringFirst referrer's vendor and type (such as 'Google Natural Search').
first_referrer_querystringFirst referrer's search query.
campaign_parameterstringProspect's campaign parameter utm_campaign from Google Analytics.
medium_parameterstringProspect's medium parameter utm_medium from Google Analytics.
source_parameterstringProspect's source parameter utm_source from Google Analytics.
content_parameterstringProspect's content parameter utm_content from Google Analytics.
term_parameterstringProspect's term parameter utm_term from Google Analytics.
created_byintegerAccount Engagement ID for the user who created this object.
updated_byintegerAccount Engagement ID for the user who last updated this object.

Note: Prospect account fields are fully customizable. To get the most accurate field metadata for your Account Engagement business unit, use the describe operation on the prospectAccount API endpoint.

Field NameData TypeRequiredEditableDescription
idintegerXAccount Engagement ID of the prospect account.
namestringXThe name of the prospect account.

When using the v3 Export API or v4 Export API to export prospect account, the following fields are selectable for export in addition to the prospect account fields listed above.

Note: The following fields are only available via the Export API and are only exported if selected via fields parameter specified in export create request.

Field NameData TypeDescription
created_byintegerAccount Engagement ID for the user who created this object.
updated_byintegerAccount Engagement ID for the user who last updated this object.
Field NameData TypeRequiredEditableDescription
idintegerXAccount Engagement ID for this tag.
namestringTag's name.
created_attimestampTime tag is created in Account Engagement. Time is reported in API user's preferred timezone.
updated_attimestampLast time tag was updated. Time is reported in API user's preferred timezone.
Field NameData TypeRequiredEditableDescription
idintegerXAccount Engagement ID of the tag object.
tag_idintegerThe Account Engagement ID of the tag.
typestringThe type of object associated with the tag.
object_idintegerThe Account Engagement ID of the object.
created_attimestampTime tag is associated with the object in Account Engagement. Time is reported in API user's preferred timezone.
Field NameData TypeRequiredEditableDescription
idintegerXAccount Engagement ID of the user.
emailstringUser's email address.
first_namestringUser's first name.
last_namestringUser's last name.
job_titlestringUser's job title
rolestringUser's role.
created_attimestampTime user is created in Account Engagement. Time is reported in the API user's preferred timezone.
updated_attimestampLast time user was updated in Account Engagement. Time is reported in the API user's preferred timezone.
Field NameData TypeRequiredEditableDescription
idintegerAccount Engagement ID for this visit.
visitor_idintegerAccount Engagement ID for the associated visitor.
prospect_idintegerAccount Engagement ID for the associated prospect.
visitor_page_view_countintegerNumber of page views for this visit.
first_visitor_page_view_attimestampTime of first page view for this visit. Time is reported in API user's preferred timezone
last_visitor_page_view_attimestampTime of last page view for this visit. Time is reported in API user's preferred timezone.
duration_in_secondsintegerLength of this visit.
campaign_parameterstringVisit's campaign parameter utm_campaign from Google Analytics.
medium_parameterstringVisit's medium parameter utm_medium from Google Analytics.
source_parameterstringVisit's source parameter utm_source from Google Analytics.
content_parameterstringVisit's content parameter utm_content from Google Analytics.
term_parameterstringVisit's term parameter utm_term from Google Analytics.
created_attimestampTime visit is created in Account Engagement. Time is reported in API user's preferred timezone.
updated_attimestampLast time visit was updated in Account Engagement. Time is reported in API user's preferred timezone.
Field NameData TypeRequiredEditableDescription
idintegerXAccount Engagement ID for this visitor.
page_view_countintegerNumber of page views by this visitor.
ip_addressstringVisitor's IP address.
hostnamestringVisitor's hostname.
campaign_parameterstringVisitor's campaign parameter utm_campaign from Google Analytics
medium_parameterstringVisitor's medium parameter utm_medium from Google Analytics.
source_parameterstringVisitor's source parameter utm_source from Google Analytics.
content_parameterstringVisitor's content parameter utm_content from Google Analytics
term_parameterstringVisitor's term parameter utm_term from Google Analytics.
created_attimestampTime visitor is created in Account Engagement. Time is reported in API user's preferred timezone.
updated_attimestampLast time visitor was updated in Account Engagement. Time is reported in API user's preferred timezone.

When using either the v3 Export API or the v4 Export API to export visitors, the following prospect fields are selectable for export in addition to the Visitor fields listed earlier.

Field NameData TypeDescription
do_not_sellbooleanIndicates whether the visitor recorded an activity with the Global Privacy Control Header enabled.
Field NameData TypeRequiredEditableDescription
idintegerXAccount Engagement ID for this visitor activity
prospect_idintegerAccount Engagement ID for the associated prospect
visitor_idintegerAccount Engagement ID for the associated visitor
typeintegerVisitor activity's type number. See the listing that follows.
type_namestringVisitor activity's type name. See the listing that follows.
detailsstringDetails about this visitor activity. Examples include
  • The name of the object associated with this activity.
  • The search phrase used in a site search query.
  • Others as your needs require.
email_idintegerAccount Engagement ID of the email associated with this visitor activity.
  • Note: This node appears only if this visitor activity has an email associated with it.
email_template_idintegerAccount Engagement ID of the email template associated with this visitor activity.
  • Note: This node appears only if this visitor activity has an email associated with it.
list_email_idintegerAccount Engagement ID of the list email associated with this visitor activity.
  • Note: This node appears only if this visitor activity has an email associated with it.
form_idintegerAccount Engagement ID of the form associated with this visitor activity.
  • Note: This node appears only if this visitor activity has a form associated with it.
form_handler_idintegerAccount Engagement ID of the form handler associated with this visitor activity.
  • Note: This node appears only if this visitor activity has a form handler associated with it.
site_search_query_idintegerAccount Engagement ID of the site search query associated with this visitor activity.
  • Note: This node appears only if this visitor activity has a site search query associated with it.
landing_page_idintegerAccount Engagement ID of the landing page associated with this visitor activity.
  • Note: This node appears only if this visitor activity has a landing page associated with it.
paid_search_ad_idintegerAccount Engagement ID of the paid search ad associated with this visitor activity.
  • Note: This node appears only if this visitor activity has a paid search ad associated with it.
multivariate_test_variation_idintegerAccount Engagement ID of the multivariate test variation associated with this visitor activity.
  • Note: This node appears only if this visitor activity has a multivariate test variation associated with it.
file_idintegerAccount Engagement ID of the file associated with this visitor activity.
  • Note: This node appears only if this visitor activity has a file associated with it.
custom_redirect_idintegerAccount Engagement ID of the custom redirect associated with this visitor activity. Note: This node appears only if this visitor activity has a custom redirect associated with it.
campaignobjectCampaign information including id, name, and cost. (Not available for V3/V4 export).
created_attimestampTime that visitor activity occurred. Time is reported in API user's preferred timezone.
updated_attimestampTime that visitor activity update occurred. Time is reported in API user's preferred timezone.

Visitor Activities have the following values for type.

  • 1 - Click
  • 2 - View
  • 3 - Error
  • 4 - Success
  • 5 - Session (Omitted from Synchronous and Export endpoints)
  • 6 - Sent
  • 7 - Search
  • 8 - New Opportunity
  • 9 - Opportunity Won
  • 10 - Opportunity Lost
  • 11 - Open
  • 12 - Unsubscribe Page
  • 13 - Bounced
  • 14 - Spam Complaint
  • 15 - Email Preference Page
  • 16 - Resubscribed
  • 17 - Click (Third Party)
  • 18 - Opportunity Reopened
  • 19 - Opportunity Linked
  • 20 - Visit
  • 21 - Custom URL click
  • 22 - Olark Chat
  • 23 - Invited to Webinar
  • 24 - Attended Webinar
  • 25 - Registered for Webinar
  • 26 - Social Post Click
  • 27 - Video View
  • 28 - Event Registered
  • 29 - Event Checked In
  • 30 - Video Conversion
  • 31 - UserVoice Suggestion
  • 32 - UserVoice Comment
  • 33 - UserVoice Ticket
  • 34 - Video Watched (≥ 75% watched)
  • 35 - Indirect Unsubscribe Open
  • 36 - Indirect Bounce
  • 37 - Indirect Resubscribed
  • 38 - Opportunity Unlinked
  • Other - Unknown
Field NameData TypeRequiredEditableDescription
idintegerAccount Engagement ID for this visitor page view.
urlstringPage view. URL
titlestringPage title.
created_attimestampTime page view occurred. Time is reported in API user's preferred timezone.
Field NameData TypeRequiredEditableDescription
idintegerXAccount Engagement ID for this visitor referrer.
referrerstringReferrer's URL.
vendorstringReferrer's vendor (such as 'Google' or 'Yahoo').
typestringReferrer's type (such as 'Natural Search').
querystringReferrer's search query.