Tagged Object

Use Tagged Object resources to learn more about the Account Engagement objects that are tagged. Discover the type and ID of the tagged objects, the tag ID, and the time the tag was applied.

The API to access the Tagged Object follows the conventions described in Version 5 Overview.

OperationHTTP VerbURL FormatAbility Requirements
ReadGEThttps://pi.pardot.com/api/v5/objects/tagged-objects/<id>?<params>Marketing > Segmentation > Tags > View
QueryGEThttps://pi.pardot.com/api/v5/objects/tagged-objects?<params>Marketing > Segmentation > Tags > View
idIntegerThe ID of the tagged object.
tagIdIntegerThe ID of the tag.
objectTypeEnumThe object type of the tagged object.
objectIdIntegerThe ID of the tagged object.
objectNameStringThe name of the tagged object.
createdAtDateTimeThe date and time when the tag was added to the object.
createdByIdIntegerThe ID of the user who added the tag to the object.
createdByUserAn object that represents the user who created the object.
tagTagAn object that represents the tag associated with the object.

Retrieve a single Tagged Object following the conventions described in the Version 5 Overview.

Example Request:

Example Response:

Retrieving a collection of tagged objects follows the conventions described in Version 5 Overview.

Example Request:

Example Response:

To sort queries, include the orderBy parameter. You can sort by the id field, which corresponds to the ID of the tagged object. See the conventions for query described in the Version 5 Overview.

When executing a query, the following parameters can be used to filter the returned results. These parameters can be specified in the request along with any shared parameters defined in Version 5 Overview. When specifying more than one parameter, all parameters must match the record in order for it to be returned in the results.

idReturns any tagged object where ID is equal to the given integer value.
idListReturns any tagged object where ID is included in the given list of values.
idGreaterThanReturns any tagged object where ID is greater than the specified value, non-inclusive.
idGreaterThanOrEqualToReturns any tagged object where ID is greater than or equal to the specified value.
idLessThanReturns any tagged object where ID is less than the specified value, non-inclusive.
idLessThanOrEqualToReturns any tagged object where ID is less than or equal to the specified value.
tagIdReturns any tagged object where tagId is equal to the given tagId
objectTypeReturns any tagged object where objectType is equal to the given objectType
objectIdReturns any tagged object where objectId is equal to the given objectId
objectNameReturns any tagged object where objectName is equal to the given objectName
createdAtReturns any tagged object where CreatedAt is equal to the given datetime value.
createdAtAfterReturns any tagged object where CreatedAt is after the given datetime value, non-inclusive.
createdAtAfterOrEqualToReturns any tagged object where CreatedAt is after or equal to the given datetime value.
createdAtBeforeReturns any tagged object where CreatedAt is before the given datetime value, non-inclusive.
createdAtBeforeOrEqualToReturns any tagged object where CreatedAt is before or equal to the given datetime value.
  • campaign
  • custom-field
  • custom-redirect
  • dynamic-content
  • email
  • email-template
  • file
  • form-field
  • form-handler
  • form
  • landing-page
  • layout-template
  • list
  • prospect
  • user