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PardotTenant Tooling API Reference

This Tooling API object represents an Account Engagement business unit. It’s available in API version 56.0 and later.

  • Queue a new account or business unit with the SOAP operation create(), or with the REST HTTP verb POST.
  • Query an existing account or business unit with the SOAP operations query(), and retrieve(), or with the REST HTTP verb GET.
  • Update an existing account or business unit with the SOAP operation update(), or with the REST HTTP verb PATCH.
  • create()
  • query()
  • retrieve()
  • update()
  • GET
  • POST
Field NameTypeDescription
CreationStatusstringThe operational status of the Account Engagement business unit.
InitialPardotAdminIdreferenceA reference to the Salesforce User ID associated with this Account Engagement business unit.
PardotTenantIdstringThe id of the Account Engagement business unit for this record.
PardotTenantNamestringThe name of the Account Engagement business unit.
PardotTenantStatusCodestringMetadata about the operational status of the Account Engagement business unit. The possible values are
  • InsufficientLicenseLimits
  • InvalidRequest
  • PardotAccountNotFound
  • UnknownError
  • UsernameCollision

Queue the creation of a PardotTenant record by setting:

  1. A valid User ID as the value for the field InitialPardotAdminId.
  2. A unique value for PardotTenantName, if your organization supports multiple Account Engagement business units.

To find the status of an Account Engagement business unit after its creation has been queued, query the account for a given ID. A value of CREATING in CreationStatus indicates that the creation process is in progress. A value of CREATED in CreationStatus indicates that the creation process is finished.

Under limited circumstances, updates are allowed to a PardotTenant record.

  • Any change to the PardotTenantName field, which doubles as the company name of your business unit.
  • Removing a PardotTenant in an error state. To do so, change the CreationStatus of the record to DELETED. One of the following must be true:
    • The PardotTenant record has a value of ERROR for CreationStatus.
    • The PardotTenant record has a value of CREATING, UPDATING, or DELETING for CreationStatus, and isn't modified within the past hour.

Outside the error state described in Update a PardotTenant, deleting a PardotTenant isn’t supported.

Error MessageDescription
No Id on record to updateYou didn’t provide the Id field in the request payload, so we can’t update a specific record.
Attempted record update is not for a PardotTenantThe attempted record update isn’t for a PardotTenant.
Could not find record to update for given IdNo record with the given ID could be found for update.
Record was not in error state before attempted deletionThe record wasn’t in an error state before the attempted deletion. You can only delete a record that has a value of Error for CreationStatus.
Record has a PardotTenantId configured and can not be deletedThe record has a PardotTenantId configured and can't be deleted.