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Visitor Activity Object

Use activities resources to learn how visitors and prospects have interacted with your website. Examples of activities include:

  • Viewing and clicking your website
  • Submitting a form
  • Clicking a social media post

Learn more about visitor activities in Salesforce Help.

The API to access the Visitor Activity object follows the conventions described in Version 5 Overview.

OperationHTTP VerbURL FormatAbility Requirements
QueryGET<params>Prospect > Visitors > View ability
ReadGET<id>?<params>Prospect > Visitors > View ability
campaignIdIntegerAccount Engagement ID for the associated campaign.
campaignCampaignObject representing the campaign related to this object. See documentation for Campaign for fields.
createdAtDateTimeTime that visitor activity occurred; Time is reported in API user's preferred timezone.
customRedirectIdIntegerAccount Engagement ID of the custom redirect associated with this visitor activity Note: Appears only if this visitor activity has a custom redirect associated with it.
customRedirectCustom RedirectObject representing the custom redirect related to this object. See documentation for Custom Redirect for fields.
detailsStringDetails about this visitor activity such as the name of the object associated with this activity, the search phrase used in a site search query, etc.
emailIdIntegerAccount Engagement ID of the email associated with this visitor activity. Appears only if this visitor activity has an email associated with it.
emailTemplateIdIntegerAccount Engagement ID of the email template associated with this visitor activity. Appears only if this visitor activity has an email associated with it.
emailTemplateEmail TemplateObject representing the email template related to this object. See documentation for Email Template for fields.
emailEmailObject representing the email related to this object. See documentation for Email for fields.
fileIdIntegerAccount Engagement ID of the file associated with this visitor activity. Appears only if this visitor activity has a file associated with it.
fileFileObject representing the file related to this object. See documentation for File for fields.
formHandlerIdIntegerAccount Engagement ID of the form handler associated with this visitor activity. Appears only if this visitor activity has a form handler associated with it.
formHandlerForm HandlerObject representing the form handler related to this object. See documentation for Form Handler for fields.
formIdIntegerAccount Engagement ID of the form associated with this visitor activity. Appears only if this visitor activity has a form associated with it.
formFormObject representing the form related to this object. See documentation for Form for fields.
idIntegerAccount Engagement ID for this visitor activity.
landingPageIdIntegerAccount Engagement ID of the landing page associated with this visitor activity. Appears only if this visitor activity has a landing page associated with it.
landingPageLanding PageObject representing the landing page related to this object. See documentation for Landing Page for fields.
listEmailIdIntegerAccount Engagement ID of the list email associated with this visitor activity. Appears only if this visitor activity has an email associated with it.
listEmailList EmailObject representing the list email related to this object. See documentation for List Email for fields.
multivariateTestVariationIdIntegerAccount Engagement ID of the multivariate test variation associated with this visitor activity. Appears only if this visitor activity has a multivariate test variation associated with it.
opportunityIdIntegerAccount Engagement ID for the associated opportunity.
opportunityOpportunityObject representing the opportunity related to this object. See documentation for Opportunity for fields.
paidSearchAdIdIntegerAccount Engagement ID of the paid search ad associated with this visitor activity. Appears only if this visitor activity has a paid search ad associated with it.
prospectIdIntegerAccount Engagement ID for the associated prospect.
prospectProspectObject representing the prospect related to this object. See documentation for Prospect for fields.
siteSearchQueryIdIntegerAccount Engagement ID of the site search query associated with this visitor activity. Appears only if this visitor activity has a site search query associated with it.
typeNameStringVisitor activity's type name.
typeIntegerVisitor activity's type number.
updatedAtDateTimeTime that visitor activity update occurred; Time is reported in API user's preferred timezone.
visitIdIntegerAccount Engagement ID for the associated visit.
visitVisitObject representing the visit related to this object. See documentation for Visit for fields.
visitorIdIntegerAccount Engagement ID for the associated visitor.
visitorPageViewIdIntegerAccount Engagement ID for the associated visitor page view.
visitorPageViewVisitor Page ViewObject representing the visitor page view related to this object. See documentation for Visitor Page View for fields.
visitorVisitorObject representing the visitor related to this object. See documentation for Visitor for fields.

Visitor Activities may have the following values for type

  • 1 - Click
  • 2 - View
  • 3 - Error
  • 4 - Success
  • 5 - Session (Omitted from Synchronous and Export endpoints)
  • 6 - Sent
  • 7 - Search
  • 8 - New Opportunity
  • 9 - Opportunity Won
  • 10 - Opportunity Lost
  • 11 - Open
  • 12 - Unsubscribe Page
  • 13 - Bounced
  • 14 - Spam Complaint
  • 15 - Email Preference Page
  • 16 - Resubscribed
  • 17 - Click (Third Party)
  • 18 - Opportunity Reopened
  • 19 - Opportunity Linked
  • 20 - Visit
  • 21 - Custom URL click
  • 22 - Olark Chat
  • 23 - Invited to Webinar
  • 24 - Attended Webinar
  • 25 - Registered for Webinar
  • 26 - Social Post Click
  • 27 - Video View
  • 28 - Event Registered
  • 29 - Event Checked In
  • 30 - Video Conversion
  • 31 - UserVoice Suggestion
  • 32 - UserVoice Comment
  • 33 - UserVoice Ticket
  • 34 - Video Watched (≥ 75% watched)
  • 35 - Indirect Unsubscribe Open
  • 36 - Indirect Bounce
  • 37 - Indirect Resubscribed
  • 38 - Opportunity Unlinked
  • Other - Unknown

Retrieve a single visitor activity following the conventions described in the Version 5 Overview.

Example request:

Example response:

Retrieving a collection of visitor activities follows the conventions described in Version 5 Overview.

When executing a query, the following fields can be specified in the orderBy parameter. See the conventions for query described in the Version 5 Overview.

  • id
  • createdAt
  • updatedAt

Example request:

Example response:

When executing a query, the following parameters can be used to filter the returned results. These parameters can be specified in the request along with any shared parameters defined in Version 5 Overview. When specifying more than one parameter, all parameters must match the record in order for it to be returned in the results.

idReturns any visitor activity where ID is equal to the given integer value.
idListReturns any visitor activity where ID is included in the given list of values.
idGreaterThanReturns any visitor activity where ID is greater than the specified value, non-inclusive.
idGreaterThanOrEqualToReturns any visitor activity where ID is greater than or equal to the specified value.
idLessThanReturns any visitor activity where ID is less than the specified value, non-inclusive.
idLessThanOrEqualToReturns any visitor activity where ID is less than or equal to the specified value.
typeReturns any visitor activity where type is equal to the given value.
visitorIdReturns any visitor activity where VisitorId is equal to the given integer value.
visitorIdGreaterThanReturns any visitor activity where VisitorId is greater than the specified value, non-inclusive.
visitorIdGreaterThanOrEqualToReturns any visitor activity where VisitorId is greater than or equal to the specified value.
visitorIdLessThanReturns any visitor activity where VisitorId is less than the specified value, non-inclusive.
visitorIdLessThanOrEqualToReturns any visitor activity where VisitorId is less than or equal to the specified value.
prospectIdReturns any visitor activity where ProspectId is equal to the given integer value.
prospectIdGreaterThanReturns any visitor activity where ProspectId is greater than the specified value, non-inclusive.
prospectIdGreaterThanOrEqualToReturns any visitor activity where ProspectId is greater than or equal to the specified value.
prospectIdLessThanReturns any visitor activity where ProspectId is less than the specified value, non-inclusive.
prospectIdLessThanOrEqualToReturns any visitor activity where ProspectId is less than or equal to the specified value.
createdAtReturns any visitor activity where CreatedAt is equal to the given datetime value.
createdAtAfterReturns any visitor activity where CreatedAt is after the given datetime value, non-inclusive.
createdAtAfterOrEqualToReturns any visitor activity where CreatedAt is after or equal to the given datetime value.
createdAtBeforeOrEqualToReturns any visitor activity where CreatedAt is before or equal to the given datetime value.
createdAtBeforeReturns any visitor activity where CreatedAt is before the given datetime value, non-inclusive.
updatedAtReturns any visitor activity where UpdatedAt is equal to the given datetime value.
updatedAtAfterReturns any visitor activity where UpdatedAt is after the given datetime value, non-inclusive.
updatedAtAfterOrEqualToReturns any visitor activity where UpdatedAt is after or equal to the given datetime value.
updatedAtBeforeReturns any visitor activity where UpdatedAt is before the given datetime value, non-inclusive.
updatedAtBeforeOrEqualToReturns any visitor activity where UpdatedAt is before or equal to the given datetime value.

Example request:

Example response: