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Attributes are custom-configured, type-safe fields that can store additional custom data at various levels in the platform. You can configure attributes for users, accounts, catalog objects, and profile objects.

The following table details the value types supported by Attributes.

Value TypeDescription
StringText information
IntegerWhole numbers
DecimalFloating point numbers
DateDate and time, specifically the JavaScript Date object
Booleantrue or false
nullAttribute present but without an object value

Attribute collections are keyed off the attribute name/id, as depicted in the following example.

Each Attribute contains a value and optional metadata about the value.

A value can be of type string, number, boolean, null, Date, or a (potentially nested) collection containing them.

The optional metadata can contain detailed information about the value, as depicted in the following example.

The publishedDate attribute must be exclusively used for articles and blogs. For other use cases, create a new custom attribute.

Attribute TypeScript declarations can almost always contain a read-only modifier. Attribute collections are mutable, which means you can add, replace, and remove attributes. However, each attribute is immutable after it is created, ensuring that an attribute value and its optional associated metadata remain in sync. This immutability also means that you must define a value and its optional associated metadata together. Currently, you cannot replace or remove an entire collection of attributes. Instead, you can mutate the existing collection.