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Using Tableau as our "client", the following document describes and presents code for an example implementation. The sample code in this document is not exhaustive and maps only key areas of the site that are valuable for demonstration purposes. The primary focus is depicting how to approach designing a Catalog for B2B websites. While each implementation is unique, this sitemap contends with many issues, particularly mapping B2B sites and websites without purchasable products in general.

The sitemap code examples in this article are only for demonstration purposes. Avoid copying sample code into your Sitemap Editor as it is built around example scenarios that can differ from your implementation's goals and use cases.

This section outlines the functionality that our imaginary client requires from their implementation. Since each client or customer always has a unique set of requirements and use cases in mind for Marketing Cloud Personalization, experience is the real teacher when it comes to knowing what questions to ask clients to help them establish their goals and requirements for their use of Personalization.

  • Understand the content a user is most interested in based on their prior interactions with the site.
  • Recommend Blogs similar to recently viewed Blogs, fallback to promote trending Blogs.
  • Recommend Articles of the same Category (solutions, learn, or products) as the currently viewed landing page.
  • Personalize banner based on past interest in Articles under the currently viewed Category
  • Capture Industry, JobRole, PageBundle, and Department values as related catalog objects.
  • Capture Keyword values as a related catalog object.
  • Recommend related product Articles by Keyword.
  • Distinguish between Add-On and Software products in the Catalog.
  • Recommend trending Blogs.
  • Recommend related Blog posts based on category.
  • Since it is the only identity consistently available on the web and used as a username when users log in to the site, emailAddress is used as the default Web SDK identity attribute used for this implementation. The site already uses email addresses to identify its users, so we are configuring Personalization to piggyback on that identity attribute.

    Aside: Since an email address is Personally Identifiable Information (PII), make sure you have the appropriate approval from within your organization before using it as a Personalization Identity. Additionally, using emails captured from web forms, other than a login form, as an Identity could potentially cause privacy issues where more than one user is tied to a Personalization user. In the following code, email is only being captured from the login form when a user successfully logs in. The code capturing user id is designed to work on Tableau Public as this portion of the Tableau site is accessible by everyone with a free public account. For more information on Identity, read Identity System Setup for the Web SDK.

  • While this site does promote products, there is no ability to purchase products or attribute revenue to them from other channels, matching with user activity from the web. Since we do not need the special capabilities of the Product item type for this implementation, we are instead using the Article item type, using Category to tell types of Article items apart.

    Aside: If the website had a more robust, hierarchical category system in which it could be possible to share Category information between the Article types, we would instead configure a catalog object specifically to house the type of Article, such as ArticleType. This way, if solutions and products shared Category data, they would be relatable to each other, instead of belonging to siloed Category hierarchies, each starting with their respective Article type (solutions, products, and learning).

  • There is a categorization system already natively built into the site's blog section, so our code scrapes the categories already present in the dataLayer as Category in the Personalization Catalog. Collecting Category data for the Blogs help build user affinity based on those categories. These categories are used to also power the customer's use case to recommend related Blogs on blog pages based on the currently viewed Category.
  • In addition to Category data, the dataLayer contains other useful information, such as Department and Job Role. The values for Department and Job Role are collected as relatedCatalogObjects to tie them to each of the collected Article types. As these values are collected, they are used to build a user's affinity towards them, which can then be used for segmentation and potentially for recommending Articles of any Category based on one of these related catalog objects, instead of only recommending Articles of one type at a time.
  • To distinguish between Add-On and Software products in the Catalog, as stated in the "Client Requirements", we are mapping a related catalog object called ProductType on the "product" page type. Remember, we are using the Article item type to house Catalog data for the product, solutions, and learning page types. As a result, our ProductType catalog object is attached to the Article Catalog item type when configuring the Catalog, even though it is mapped only on one page type containing Article Catalog data. The ProductType related catalog object helps to more granularly distinguish which type of product Article is being viewed by the user and create highly targeted recipes based on that activity, if desired.

The following examples assume that emailAddress has been configured as the default Web SDK Identity.