Page Types
Page Types are used to establish what pages on a website and what data on these pages you'd like Marketing Cloud Personalization to track. Page Types also define the Content Zones, Events, Templates, and Catalog data to be tracked by Personalization on a page. An Personalization Sitemap comprises multiple pageType
configurations. You can apply a single pageType
configuration to multiple pages on your website.
The following table summarizes the fields that a PageConfig
Field Name | Expected Value Type | Required | Description | Namespace |
name | String | Yes | The name of the page type. Example: Homepage, Product Detail | Both |
isMatch | () => boolean | () => Promise<boolean> | Yes | The function that determines if the current page matches the config | Both |
action | String | No | The action that is sent when the config is evaluated | Evergage |
itemAction | String | No | The property of ActionEvent used to identify user actions taken on catalog items such as "Purchase" or "AddToCart". | Evergage |
interaction | Interaction | No | The property of ActionEvent used to identify user actions taken on catalog items such as "Purchase" or "AddToCart". | SalesforceInteractions |
catalog | CatalogConfig | No | The catalog data to be captured | Evergage |
cart | CartConfig | No | The cart data to be captured | Evergage |
order | OrderConfig | No | The order data to be captured | Evergage |
contentZones | ContentZone[] | No | The content zones defined on the page | Both |
listeners | Listener[] | No | The event listeners to be bound when this configuration is evaluated | Both |
onActionEvent | (event: ActionEvent) => ActionEvent | No | The function to modify the outgoing ActionEvent | Both |
Depending on your business vertical, the objective of your website, and the type of content it serves, certain page types are recommended to be mapped over others.
The following table outlines general page types that you can define on any website.
Page Type | Description |
home | The website's homepage |
blog | The blog's homepage |
blog_detail | A blog post |
search | The search page |
search_results | The search results page |
register | The register page |
sign_in | The sign-in page |
account | The account overview page |
error_page | An error page. Example: 404 Page |
The following table outlines page types that are recommended for a commerce website.
Page Type | Description |
product_detail | A product detail page |
brand | A brand detail page |
department | A department overview page |
category | A category page, sometimes referred to as a product list page |
cart | The shopping cart |
checkout | The checkout pages |
order_confirmation | The order confirmation page |
The following table outlines page types that are recommended for a B2B website.
Page Type | Description |
product | A specific product offering |
solution | A group of offerings, high-level capability, or industry |
article | A details page for articles. For example, White Papers, Technical Specs |
event | A details page for events. For example, Webinars, Conferences |
learning | A details page for learning content. For example, Classes, Playbooks, Forums, Documentation |
The following table outlines the naming convention to follow for the pageTypeDefault
configuration in the sitemap.
Page Type | Description |
default | Any page that isn't explicitly mapped |