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API Reference


CampaignA custom 'Data' campaign to be handled by the app, served in response to Marketing Cloud Personalization actions generated by the user interacting with the app.
CampaignHandlerCallback implemented by the app to handle potential custom 'Data' campaigns served in response to Personalization actions generated by the user interacting with the app.
ContextProvides APIs to handle data campaigns, track Item views and interactions, and track manual actions, all within a lifecycle-managed context such as Screen.
ScreenA 'screen' of the app, and the context for its associated user activity.
ClientConfigurationPersonalization Android configuration, provided by the client in Evergage.start(ClientConfiguration), built using ClientConfiguration.Builder.
ClientConfiguration.BuilderBuilder for ClientConfiguration.
EvergageThis class is primarily used to initialize, configure, and start Personalization.
EvergageActivitySupports easily and codelessly managing test campaigns from the device in debug/debuggable builds, by allowing the user to open related URLs in the mobile browser.
AnnotationType Description
LogLevelIndicates the threshold level for logging in Evergage.setLogLevel(int).