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EVGArticle Class Reference

Inherits fromDeclared in
EVGCategorizedItem : EVGItem : NSObjectEVGItems.h

An article is content that is typically organized by category or keyword.

Date and time when this article was last modified.

See Also

Subtitle for this article.

Creates an EVGArticle with the required id only.


evgIdSee [EVGItem evgId]. This is the only required field.

Return Value

An article which can be further modified.

Creates an EVGArticle with the required id and most common optionals.


evgIdSee [EVGItem evgId]. This is the only required field.
nameSee [EVGItem name]
subTitleSee subTitle
urlSee [EVGItem url]
evgDescriptionSee [EVGItem evgDescription]

Return Value

An article which can be further modified.

Creates an EVGArticle from the provided JSON.


jsonAn article in JSON form

Return Value

An article which can be further modified, or nil if JSON is invalid