Deploy Source
To deploy metadata from your local project to your default org, use the SFDX: Deploy Source to Org command. When you deploy the code changes, the local version of the source files overwrites the metadata in your org.
You can deploy source of a manifest, source files, directories, or folders:
- In VS Code explorer or editor, right-click a manifest file and select SFDX: Deploy Source in Manifest in Org.
- With a manifest file open in the editor, open the Command Palette and run SFDX: Deploy Source in Manifest in Org.
- In VS Code explorer, right-click single or multi-selected source files or directories and select SFDX: Deploy Source to Org.
- With a source file open in the editor, right-click in the editing pane and select SFDX: Deploy This Source File to Org.
- With a source file open in the editor, open the Command Palette and run SFDX: Deploy This Source File to Org.