Create Your Code Builder Environment

  1. From the App Launcher, find and open the Code Builder Dashboard.

If you don't see Code Builder Dashboard as an option, contact your admin to make sure you have the correct license and permission set assigned to you.

  1. Click Launch. A new environment is created for you the first time that you launch. There's an empty Salesforce DX project to help you get started. It takes a few minutes for a new environment to be created and loaded. You know everything is ready when you see “Welcome to Salesforce Code Builder”.

Code Builder Dashboard

After you’ve created your Code Builder environment, launch it from the dashboard at any time, or bookmark it for fast access.

The .bashrc,.profile, and .bash_logout files are overwritten every time you launch your Code Builder environment. We recommend that you don’t edit these files because your changes will be lost. To store your dot file customizations, create .bashrc.local,.profile.local, and .bash_logout.local files.