Data Cloud Development Environments
Learn about the development environments that are available for Salesforce partners and customer developers.
Salesforce ISV Partners create apps for sale and distribution to Salesforce customers. If you're an ISV Partner, create a Partner Developer edition org from your Environment Hub, then log a case with Partner Support to enable Data Cloud on it.
If you're a Salesforce Consulting Partner, you can get information about setting up a Data Cloud development environment by contacting your Partner Account Manager.
Customer developers create apps in-house for their own Data Cloud instance. Currently, sandboxes are available in beta to create and test your apps for Data Cloud. See Create a Data Cloud Sandbox (Beta).
If you don't want to use a sandbox, you can get access to a second org. To find out how to get access to a Data Cloud test org, contact your Account team. The org used for testing is separate from the production org. This second org is another production org, and service usage is metered and results in billing charges the same way it is on the production org. See Cost and Usage.