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Use JavaScript and TypeScript Functions

If you're developing your function using JavaScript or TypeScript, here are some considerations to keep in mind.

Salesforce provides the Salesforce SDK for Node.js Functions specifically for functions written in TypeScript. This SDK provides classes to securely and efficiently access Salesforce org resources.

Salesforce SDK isn't needed for JavaScript development.

See Salesforce SDK for Node.js Functions.

Use the Salesforce CLI to set environment variables in your functions compute environments, and then access them in your JavaScript function code as regular system variables. See Environment Variables for more details.

When your Javascript function runs, Salesforce Functions handles converting JSON data into a Javascript object.

For example, if your function accepts JSON input like:

Salesforce Functions converts it into a Javascript object:

You must ensure that Javascript functions return objects that can be serialized to JSON.

A Logger instance is provided to JavaScript functions at invoke-time. For more details on using this instance see Generate Log Information in Your Function Code.