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Use this wire adapter to create a list view associated with a supported object.

See Create a List View for an Object.

  • objectApiName–(Required) The API name of a supported object.

  • listViewApiName–(Required) The API name of a list view, such as AllAccounts.

  • displayColumns–Display columns (field API names) for the list.

  • filterLogicString–The filter logic string, such as (1 OR 2) and 3. Indexes start with 1.

  • filteredByInfo–Filtering information for the list. Type List Filter By Info Input.

  • label–The list’s display label, such as All Accounts.

  • listShares–Objects that the list is shared with, if visibility is Shared.

  • scope–Scope information for the list. See List Scope Input.

  • visibility–The list’s level of visibility. Valid values are:

    • Private
    • Public
    • Shared

This code example creates a new list view on the button click.

See Also