
Use this wire adapter to create a list view associated with a supported object.

See Create a List View for an Object.

Parameter NameTypeDescriptionRequired?
objectApiNameStringThe API name of a supported object.Yes
listViewApiNameStringThe API name of a list view, such as AllAccounts.Yes
displayColumnsString[]Display columns (field API names) for the list.
filterLogicStringStringThe filter logic string, such as (1 OR 2) and 3. Indexes start with 1.
filteredByInfoObjectFiltering information for the list. Type List Filter By Info Input.
labelStringThe list’s display label, such as All Accounts.
listSharesString[]Objects that the list is shared with, if visibility is Shared.
scopeObjectScope information for the list. See List Scope Input.
visibilityStringThe list’s level of visibility. Valid values are: Private, Public, Shared.

This code example creates a new list view on the button click.

See Also