BiometricsService Constants

BiometricsService defines and uses several constants. Each of the following constants enumerate the accepted string values for the associated properties.

All of the following constants are available as properties on an instance of BiometricsService.

Constant NameAccepted ValueDescription
BiometricsServicePolicy"PIN_CODE”PIN_CODE instructs BiometricsService to fallback using pin code if biometrics is not available or not configured.

Correlates with the code property on the BiometricsServiceFailure object.

Accepted ValueDescription
"HARDWARE_NOT_AVAILABLE"There is no fingerprint scanner or face recognition hardware found.
"NOT_CONFIGURED"Biometrics hardware was found but has not been set up yet.
"SERVICE_NOT_ENABLED"BiometricsService is not enabled and cannot be used.
"UNKNOWN_REASON"An error occurred in the native code that isn’t related to permissions or hardware issues. More information is provided in the BiometricsServiceFailure message.