getEvents(startDateSecondsUTC, endDateSecondsUTC, calendars?, options)

Returns all events of all available calendar events in a specified date range from the specified calendars.

  • startDateSecondsUTC—(Required) The start of the date range.
  • endDateSecondsUTC—(Required) The end of the date range.
  • options—(Required) A CalendarServiceOptions object to configure the CalendarService request.
  • calendars— The titles of calendars to get events from. If not provided, or null is passed in, events are fetched from all available calendars.

A Promise object that resolves as an array of Calendar objects. If an error is encountered, the array is empty.

Use this function to fetch all available events in a specified date range from specified calendars.

  • If the calendars property is null, events are fetched from all available calendars.
  • If an error occurs, the error is returned via a rejected promise. Handle errors in a catch clause.