
Retrieves a collection of CRM Analytics data connectors.

getDataConnectors uses this CRM Analytics API resource.

  • category—Filters the collection to include only data connectors belonging to the specified category.
    • AdvancedPropertiesSupport (Connector supports Advanced Properties)
    • BatchRead (Read/Input Connector that performs batch reads, instead of live queries)
    • Direct (Direct/Live Connector)
    • FileBased (File-based Connector)
    • FilterSupport (Connector supports pass-through filter)
    • MuleSoft (MuleSoft Connector)
    • Output (Write/Output/Target Connector)
    • Private (Private Connector that performs batch reads instead of live queries)
  • connectorType—Filters the collection to include only data connectors belonging to the specified connector type. The list of valid values can be found here.
  • folderId—Filters the collection to only contain data connectors for the specified folder. The ID can be the requesting user's ID for data connectors in the user's private folder.
  • scope—Scope type to apply to the collection results.
    • CreatedByMe
    • Mru (Most Recently Used)
    • SharedWithMe