Retrieves a collection of data prep recipes.
uses this Data Prep Recipe API resource.
These parameters are optional.
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
folderId | String | Filters the collection to include only recipes associated with the specified folder ID. |
format | String | Filters the collection to include only recipes of the specified format.
lastModifiedAfter | Date | Filters the collection to include only recipes with a last modified date after the given value. |
lastModifiedBefore | Date | Filters the collection to include only recipes with a last modified date before the given value. |
licenseType | String | The response includes assets with this license type. The default is EinsteinAnalytics .
nextScheduledAfter | Date | Filters the collection to include only recipes with a scheduled run after the given value. |
nextScheduledBefore | Date | Filters the collection to include only recipes with a scheduled run before the given value. |
page | String | Generated token that indicates the view of recipes to be returned. |
pageSize | Int | Number of items to be returned in a single page. Minimum is 1, maximum is 200, and the default is 25. |
q | String | Search terms. Individual terms are separated by spaces. |
sort | String | Sort order to apply to the collection results.
status | String[] | Filters the collection to include only recipes with the specified statuses.
—Recipe Collectionerror