
Use this wire adapter to get records for a batch of RelatedLists.

See Get a Batch of Related List Records with a Request Body.

Parameter NameTypeDescriptionRequired?
parentRecordIdStringThe ID of the parent record that you want to get related lists for, like an Account ID.Yes
relatedListParametersObjectAn array of related list parameter collections.Yes

relatedListParameters has several properties.

relatedListParameters PropertyTypeDescriptionRequired?
relatedListIdStringThe API name of a related list object, like Contacts, Opportunities, or Cases.Yes
fieldsString[]The API names of the related list’s column fields.
optionalFieldsString[]The API names of additional fields in the related list.
pageSizeNumberThe number of list records to return per page.
sortByString[]An array of field API names to sort the related list by. Accepts only one value per request.
whereStringThe filter to apply to related list records, in GraphQL syntax.

This code example fetches a batch of related list records by parent ID and multiple related list objects, then iterates through the list of records.

See Also