
Use this wire adapter to get RelatedList records. Related lists display details and links to records that are associated with a specific record. For example, an account can have related lists for contacts, cases, notes, or even files.

See Get Related List Records with a Request Body.

The /ui-api/related-list-info/${parentObjectApiName} resource returns related lists for an object, including the relatedListId values.

  • parentRecordId—(Required) The ID of the parent record that you want to get related lists for, like an Account ID.
  • relatedListId—(Required) The API name of a related list or child relationship, like Contacts, Opportunities, or Cases. To provide an API name of a related list custom object, use the Custom_Objects__r format, where Custom_Objects is the plural form of your custom object name, and __r is the related list suffix. For more information on retrieving all related lists for an object or custom object, see RelatedListDefinition.
  • fields—The API names of the related list’s column fields. To use a standard field on a custom object, use the Custom_Object__c.FieldName format. To use a custom field on a custom object, use the Custom_Object__c.FieldName__c format.
  • optionalFields—The API names of additional fields in the related list.
  • pageSize—The number of list records to return per page. The default value is 50. Enter a value between 1 and 1999.
  • sortBy—An array of field API names to sort the related list by. Accepts only one value per request.
  • where—The filter to apply to related list records. Semi-joins and anti-joins filters are currently not supported. For example, passing in a query using inq results in a Malformed Join Input Object error.

This code example fetches the related list records by parent ID and related list object, then iterates through the list of records.

See Also