Lightning Locker Tools

Lightning Locker tools help you develop secure code that is compatible and runs efficiently with Lightning Locker.

Lightning Locker API Viewer

Use the Lightning Locker API Viewer to see which standard DOM APIs are supported by Lightning Locker for the most complex wrappers: SecureDocument, SecureElement, and SecureWindow.

Locker API Viewer UI with list of APIs supported by SecureDocument.

Locker Console

Use Locker Console to check your JavaScript code’s compatibility with Lightning Locker, and compare how it runs with Lightning Locker enabled and disabled.

Evaluate JavaScript code for issues or benchmark code without creating an app.

Locker Console UI.

To evaluate or benchmark your JavaScript code, paste or type it into the console (1). Enable or disable Locker and Strict CSP (2). To run the code that’s displayed in the console, click Evaluate (3). To run code with and without Locker and view relative performance metrics, click Benchmark. To clear the displayed results, click Clear Results.