Configure a Component for CRM Analytics Dashboards

Implement custom functionality using Lightning web components and then use them interactively with CRM Analytics dashboard widgets and steps.

The componentName.js-meta.xml file defines the metadata values for the component, including the setting to allow usage in a CRM Analytics dashboard. Add the analytics__Dashboard target to the component’s configuration file. Ensure that the isExposed attribute is set to true so the component is visible to the CRM Analytics designer UI.

In the componentName.js-meta.xml file, add a targetConfig for the analytics__Dashboard target. Set the hasStep tag to true if the component is designed to use CRM Analytics query data from a dashboard step. For each component attribute that is designed to be used by a CRM Analytics dashboard, add property tag.

In addition to the common data types, the analytics__Dashboard target also supports Measure and Dimension data types for components with <hasStep>true</hasStep>. The dashboard editor is able to choose a column of the given data type from the results of the attached step.

After completing these steps, add your Lightning web component as a component widget in the CRM Analytics Studio dashboard editor. For more information, see the Lightning Web Components in CRM Analytics Dashboards developer guide.