Adding Mobile Sync to Existing iOS Apps

You can easily upgrade existing iOS projects to support Mobile Sync: Just use forceios to create a new project, then add in your assets. However, if you’d like to know the steps for upgrading older Mobile Sync apps to Mobile SDK 6.0 or later, you’re in the right place.

In Mobile SDK 4.0, Mobile Sync moved out of Mobile SDK core into its own library. Mobile Sync relies on SmartStore, so forceios automatically adds SmartStore to your project. In addition, native iOS projects in Mobile SDK 6.0 and later require a MobileSyncSDKManager object to initialize the app.

Instead of making the updates piece by piece, we recommend that you create a new native project, then copy your assets into that project. You can create the new shell project either manually using template source files, or with forceios. To create the project manually, see Creating an iOS Swift Project Manually.

The native template app uses the MobileSyncSDKManager class by default and imports the correct libraries for you, plus many other updates. See