iOS Sample Applications

A native app you create with forceios is itself a sample application, though limited in scope. The native iOS sample apps demonstrate more functionality you can examine and work into your own apps.

  • MobileSyncExplorer demonstrates the power of the native Mobile Sync library on iOS. It resides in Mobile SDK for iOS under native/SampleApps/MobileSyncExplorer.
  • RestAPIExplorer exercises all native REST API wrappers. It resides in Mobile SDK for iOS under native/SampleApps/RestAPIExplorer.

Mobile SDK provides iOS wrappers for the following hybrid apps.

  • AccountEditor: Demonstrates how to synchronize offline data using the mobilesync.js library.
  • MobileSyncExplorer: Demonstrates how to synchronize offline data using the Mobile Sync plugin.
  • NoteSync: Demonstrates how to use non-REST APIs to retrieve Salesforce Notes.