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Native Login for Experience Cloud

Starting in Mobile SDK 12.0, apps built for Experience Cloud users can use a fully customizable login UI with native login. The app supplies a custom-designed login UI, and Mobile SDK displays it at the appropriate point in the login flow. There are no restrictions on how you can customize the login UI.

PKCE is a requirement for native login on Experience Cloud. See PKCE in Salesforce Help. Also, IDP flows aren’t available for users who authenticated using native login.

Before you configure native login on Mobile SDK, complete these steps.

  1. Set up Headless Identity. See Headless Identity APIs for Customers and Partners in Salesforce Help.
  2. Configure a connected app for the authorization code and credentials flow.
  3. For the connected app’s callback URL, enter https://{your_Experience_Cloud_site_domain}/services/oauth2/echo.

To enable native login on iOS, add this code to your AppDelegate. Or, the app can call the same function from SceneDelegate, which provides a scene that enables multi-window support.

To authenticate a user with username and password, call this code in your custom UI.

To fall back on the webview for authentication, call this code in your custom UI.

To generate a sample application with a native login screen written in SwiftUI, use the forceios command-line tool to run this command.

To set up passwordless login with a one-time password, see Native Passwordless Login.

To enable native login on Android, pass your app’s native-login activity class into the fourth parameter of the SalesforceManager.initNative method.

In the onCreate of the app’s application class, call this method.

To authenticate a user with their username and password, call this code in your custom UI.

The calling activity is responsible for dismissing itself after a successful user login.

To fall back on the webview for authentication, launch the intent provided by this code in such a way as to get back a result.

A result code of Activity.RESULT_OK means the user has successfully authenticated via the webview and you can dismiss your activity.

To generate a sample application with a native login screen created with Jetpack Compose, use the forcedroid command-line tool to run this command.

To set up passwordless login with a one-time password, see Native Passwordless Login.

We recommend protecting your login UI from screenshots and video recording with the FLAG_SECURE display flag.