Add the #DF24 Developer Keynote to your agenda. Join us in-person on 9/18 at 2:30 p.m. PT or on Salesforce+ at 5 p.m. PT for the must-see session built just for developers.

Publish Your Slack App

Packaging and distribution of Slack Apps is available only after the beta phase is complete. Users operating under the beta agreement can't package and distribute Slack apps using the Apex SDK.

You can publish a Slack app internally or publicly.

If you're using your app with users within an org only, consider making your app manifest available internally.

If you're making the app available to multiple orgs, we recommend enabling public distributions with or without the Slack App Directory.

Public distribution is best suited if your Slack app is GA. Distributing your app in the Slack App Directory lets you boost your app visibility and usage. To go this route, you must submit your app for review to Slack and adhere to Slack's submission guidelines.

Alternatively, you can distribute your apps without using the Slack App Directory. For this scenario, you don't need to submit your app for a review for other workspaces to install it, since you're not publishing to the App Directory.