Debug Apex Code
The Salesforce Extension pack comes with rich debugging options for every developer, regardless of where you land on the low- to pro-code continuum. Use this information to figure out which Apex debugger is right for you:
Debugger | License Requirements | Features |
Replay Debugger | None. Free. | Easy to use. Use debug logs to “replay” events. Your debugger for most use cases. |
Interactive Debugger | - One free license in Performance and Unlimited Edition orgs. - Available for purchase in Enterprise Edition orgs. - Not available in Trial and Developer Edition orgs. - Can be used in scratch orgs using the DebugApex feature. To use the debugger in a scratch org, the associated Dev Hub org must have the Apex Debugger license. | A powerful debugger that lets you view and pause events in real time. |
ISV Debugger | - Available in subscriber sandbox orgs and scratch orgs. - Can be used in scratch orgs using the DebugApex feature. To use the debugger in a scratch org, the associated Dev Hub org must have the Apex Debuggerlicense. For ISVs, this is their Partner Business Org (PBO). | Use to debug managed package code directly in customer orgs in real time. |