Purchase Records

Purchase multiple contacts or companies with a POST request.

Purchases must be for either contacts or companies. You can’t have contacts and companies in the same purchase request.

Minimum required fields

You must have at least one contactId or one companyId in the list.




URL: /services/data/v32.0/connect/datacloud/orders/

Request body: There are two parts to a request: the user type and the IDs.

  • userType
  • contactIds or companyIds
    • Specify the IDs for the contacts or company information you’re buying. You can only buy one type at a time.
    • Contact and company IDs are not validated. If you purchase contacts or companies using invalid IDs, it counts against your purchase usage limits.

This example shows a list pool user buying five contacts.

Information about a purchase for contacts or companies.


A URL to a list of purchased records for a specific order.


The orderId that identifies a specific order.


The number of records that were purchased for this order.


The date when records were purchased in ISO 8601 format.


A URL to the order information for a specific order.

This example has been formatted for readability.

This example has been formatted for readability.