
The DUNSRight Match API is a REST API with one resource: DatacloudCompany. Use this resource to return company information from Data.comand identify and flag differences between fields in the request and fields from the matching record. Use POST and GET requests with this API.

There is a 24–hour rolling quota on the number of API calls you can make. Your organization gets 1,000 daily calls for every license purchased. Call quotas are implemented at the Salesforce organization level. For example, an organization with 10 Clean licenses would have a daily limit of 10,000 Match API calls (1,000 x 10 = 10,000).


The DUNSRight Match API DatacloudCompany resource does two things.

  • Matches the requested company information with companies in the database using the DUNSRight match engine.
  • Identifies and flags differences between requested fields and fields in the database.

Short URL: /services/data/vXX.X/match/\

Long URL: /services/data/vXX.X/match/DunsRightMatchEngine/DatacloudCompany/DunsRightMatchRule

All parameters in the matchOptions section must be included in the request body when you use the short URL.


API version 30.0 and later



HTTP Methods


Minimum Required Fields

No required fields. For best results, include company name, website, and city in the request.

Use the matchOptions parameter in the request to set all of your match options.

When using the short URL, all parameters in the matchOptions section must be included in the POST request body. When using the long URL, only specify the fields you want in the response. Default values are used for other parameters in the matchOptions section. These include "maxMatchResults": "6" and "minMatchConfidence": "8".

For companies with multiple locations, add the city where the company is located to narrow your search.

Key Request Fields

The key request fields are:

  • Name
  • Street
  • Phone
  • Website

The entities section of the request includes:

  • attributes, including the object you want to match against, and
  • names and values for fields that you want to match

You must include the name and value for at least one field that you want included in the response. There are no required fields; but you can specify more fields to improve the accuracy of the matched records.

Here are the matchable fields.

CityStringThe name of the city where the company is located.
CountryStringA string that represents the standard abbreviation for the country where the company is located.
DunsNumberStringA randomly generated nine-digit number that’s assigned by Dun & Bradstreet (D&B) to identify unique business establishments..
NameStringThe company’s name.
PhoneStringA numerical string that contains a corporate phone number for the company.
StateStringThe two-letter standard abbreviation for a state.
StreetStringA postal address for the company.
ZipStringA numeric postal code designation for the address.

The parameters that you’re required to include in the matchOptions section differ depending on the URL you use.

  • When using the short URL, specify all parameters in the matchOptions section.
  • When using the long URL, you only need to specify the fields you want in the response. Default values are used for other parameters in the matchOptions section. These include "maxMatchResults": "6" and "minMatchConfidence": "8".

Here are the fields that can be included in the response.

Requestable FieldsTypeDescription
AnnualRevenueStringThe amount of money that the company makes in one year.
CityStringThe name of the city where the company is located.
CompanyIdLong integer (64-bit integer)The unique numerical identifier for the company.
CountryStringA string that represents the standard abbreviation for the country where the company is located.
DescriptionStringA brief summary about the company.
DunsNumberStringA randomly generated nine-digit number that’s assigned by Dun & Bradstreet (D&B) to identify unique business establishments..
FaxStringThe phone number that’s used for sending and receiving faxes.
IndustryStringA description for the area of focus in which the company does business.
IsInactiveStringA true or false response. True means that the record is no longer active. False indicates that the contact is still valid and active.
NaicsCodeStringNorth American Industry Classification System (NAICS) codes were created to provide details about a business’s service orientation. The code descriptions are focused on what a business does.
NaicsDescStringA description of the NAICS classification.
NameStringThe company’s name.
NumberOfEmployeesStringThe number of employees who are working for the company.
OwnershipStringThe type of ownership of the company: Public, Private, Government, or Other
PhoneStringA numerical string that contains a corporate phone number for the company.
SicIntegerStandard Industrial Codes (SIC) is a numbering convention that indicates what type of service a business provides.
SicDescStringA description of the SIC classification.
SiteStringThe type of location of the company, such as “Headquarters.”
StateStringThe two-letter standard abbreviation for a state.
StreetStringA postal address for the company.
TickerSymbolStringThe symbol that uniquely identifies companies that are traded on public stock exchanges.
TradeStyleStringA legal name under which a company conducts business.
WebsiteStringThe standard URL for the company’s home page.
YearStartedStringThe year when the company was founded.
ZipStringA numeric postal code designation for the address.

Here are additional parameters that you can specify in the matchOptions section of the request.


The name of the match engine that’s used by this API.


The number of results to be returned in a response. The maximum value is 10.


The degree of confidence that the response matches the information that’s provided in the request. The default confidence level is 8. The confidence level can be set from 5 through 10.


The name of the matching rules that are used by this API.


The standard object that’s queried by this API.

Use API resource property requests to retrieve important resources and parameters, including a list of matchable fields and match engine URLs. These can be used when making match requests with the DUNSRight Match API.

GET request: /services/data/v32.0/match/


GET request: /services/data/v32.0/match/DunsRightMatchEngine


GET request: /services/data/v32.0/match/DunsRightMatchEngine/DatacloudCompany
