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Show Agent Availability

Bring Your Own Channel for CCaaS supports showing agent availability in the Omni-Channel transfer UI. There are two options for showing agent availability.

  1. Vendor-Provided Availability. If a partner wants to provide availability data as part of the Agent list contacts for transfer, they can provide the agent availability as an availability field on the Contact object. This value is shown in the UI as an availability icon. In order for the Transfer UI to use the vendor-provided availability, the connector also must set hasAgentAvailability to true in the SharedCapabilitiesResult.

  2. Salesforce-Provided Availability. If the partner doesn’t provide agent availability as part of the Agent lists contacts for transfer (hasAgentAvailability is false in SharedCapabilitiesResult), Salesforce tries to map the Agent list contacts to Salesforce agents in the current org and calculates the availability. This agent mapping is done based on the CallCenterRoutingMap entries. If there are matches, Salesforce shows the agent availability for matched agents. The agent availability is calculated based on the following criteria:

    • Available: Agent is available and has 100% percent capacity available.
    • Busy: Agent isn’t available.
    • Offline: Agent is offline in Omni-Channel.