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Configure Agent Status Syncing for Messaging

Agent status syncing, also known as presence status syncing, automatically synchronizes your contact centers with your agents’ Omni-Channel presence statuses to help indicate their availability to receive work. Two-way status syncing allows Salesforce to notify the partners of the status change that happens on the Omni-Channel side, and allows partner contact centers to notify Salesforce about the status change on their side. Two-way status syncing is already supported for voice channels. Bring Your Own Channel for CCaaS adds two-way status syncing support for Messaging.

To configure two-way status syncing for Bring Your Own Channel for CCaaS, use the Service Cloud Contact Center Connector API. When the connector loads, Salesforce eventually calls the init() API with the argument callCenterConfig. The argument contains a JSON field called userPresenceStatuses, which can be parsed into a map of statusId: statusInfo.

When the agent status changes through the Omni-Channel widget on the Salesforce side, the connector calls the setAgentStatus() API with the status information. Implement the setAgentStatus() API to receive the updated status and change the status on the contact center side.

When the agent status changes on the contact center side, implement the publishEvent() API with the ‘SET_AGENT_STATUS’ event to automatically update the agent statuses on the Salesforce side.

See Also