Configure Consent Levels to Customize the Messaging Opt-In and Opt-Out Experience

Administrators can configure consent-level options to customize the opt-in and opt-out experience for Messaging channels. The ConversationChannelDefinition record includes fields that determine which consent-level options are exposed to the administrator.

To determine the consent levels you want to expose to the administrators, when you create the ConversationChannelDefinition record, set the capabilitiesSupportsImplicitConsent and capabilitiesSupportsExplicitConsent fields, and optionally set the capabilitiesSupportsDoubleOptInConsent field.

  • capabilitiesSupportsImplicitConsent: Determines whether the Implicit Opt-In consent level is exposed to the administrator (true). This field is required and must be set to true. The default value is false.
  • capabilitiesSupportsExplicitConsent: Determines whether the Explicit Opt-In consent level is exposed to the administrator (true). The default value is false. This field is optional.
  • capabilitiesSupportsDoubleOptInConsent: Determines whether the Double Opt-In consent level is exposed to the administrator (true). The default value is false. This field is optional. If capabilitiesSupportsDoubleOptInConsent is set to true, then capabilitiesSupportsExplicitConsent must also be set to true.

If consent is managed by the partner (ConversationChannelDefinition.consentOwner is Partner), use the Interaction Service Consent API (PATCH /api/v1/consent) to set the consent level for the user. See Configure Partner-Owned Routing and Consent.

To learn more about consent levels, see Salesforce Help: Customize the Messaging Opt-In and Opt-Out Experience.

See Also