Customize Strings for Android

The UI SDK provides default text for all the messages that a user can encounter. You can customize the strings in your app using resource files.

This article applies to the following implementations:


To customize these strings in your app, create a strings.xml resource file in your app using the exact same resource names. To learn about which languages the SDK supports, see Language Support.

KeywordDefault ValueDescription
smi_feed_action_menu_accessibilityAction MenuThe accessibility string for the Action Menu to the left of the text input.
smi_feed_action_menu_photo_sendSend a PhotoAction Menu text for sending a photo.
smi_feed_action_menu_photo_takeTake a PhotoAction Menu text for taking a photo.
KeywordDefault ValueDescription
smi_transfer_requested_event_textTransfer requested at %sA system message informing the user that an agent transfer has been requested.
KeywordDefault ValueDescription
smi_alert_action_retryRetryRetry action for the retry message alert.
smi_alert_attachment_limit_reachedAttachment limit reachedConfirmation text for the retry message alert.
smi_alert_message_failedMessage failed to send. Retry?Confirmation text for the retry message alert.
smi_alert_message_permission_cameraTo use your camera, go to Settings and enable Camera access for this appExplanation for how to allow camera permission.
smi_alert_title_failedMessage FailedAlert title text for the retry message alert.
smi_alert_title_permission_cameraAllow Camera AccessAlert title text for requesting camera access.
KeywordDefault ValueDescription
smi_attachment_download_failed_messageFailed to save attachmentShown in popup when the user clicks the download button and the attachment fails to save.
smi_camera_capture_button_accessibilityCapture photo.Accessibility text for the button to capture a photo.
smi_camera_gallery_button_accessibilityPhoto gallery.Accessibility text for the button to open the photo gallery.
smi_camera_switch_lens_button_accessibilitySwitch lens direction.Accessibility text for the button to switch the camera lens direction.
smi_camera_view_capturing_accessibilityCamera capturing photoAccessibility text for the view that displays the phone camera capturing a photo.
smi_file_format_unsupportedUnsupported file format.Message shown if the user sends an unsupported file.
smi_file_size_exceededAttachment is too large. Maximum size is %sMessage shown if the user sends an attachment that exceeds the maximum size that can be sent. chat.
smi_header_share_gif_viewerGIFShown when the user taps the share button when viewing a GIF in the attachment viewer.
smi_header_share_image_viewerImageShown when the user taps the share button when viewing an image in the attachment viewer.
smi_header_share_pdf_viewerPDFShown when the user taps the share button when viewing a PDF in the attachment viewer.
smi_image_accessibilityImage message.Accessibility text for an image message in the chat feed or attachment preview.
smi_image_download_denied_bodyTo save photos, go to Settings and enable Photos access for this app.Message shown in popup when the user tries to save a photo with denied permission.
smi_image_download_denied_titleAllow Photo AccessTitle shown in popup when the user tries to save a photo with denied permission.
smi_image_preview_accessibilityImage preview.Accessibility text for the image preview dialog.
smi_image_preview_cancel_button_accessibilityClose image preview.Accessibility text for the button to close the image preview dialog.
smi_image_saved_messageImage savedShown in popup when the user clicks the download button and the attachment successfully saves.
smi_image_viewer_download_photo_accessibilityDownload photoAccessibility text for the download button in the image viewer.
smi_image_viewer_jump_to_photo_accessibilityJump to photoAccessibility text for the jump to photo button in the image viewer.
smi_image_viewer_share_photo_accessibilityShare photoAccessibility text for the share button in the image viewer.
smi_multiple_attachment_counter+%dA counter that takes an integer representing the number of file attachments not shown.
smi_remove_image_button_accessibilityRemove image message.Accessibility text for the button to remove an image message from the input field.
KeywordDefault ValueDescription
smi_business_hours_outsideNew chats aren't available outside of business hoursThe message that is shown in the chat feed banner when outside of business hours.
smi_business_hours_outside_accessibilityNew chats aren't currently available. Try again during business hours.The accessibility announcement that informs the user that they are out of the set business hours and the contact center is closed.
KeywordDefault ValueDescription
smi_carousel_image_accessibilityCarousel imageThe default image description for a carousel option if no description is given.
smi_carousel_image_placeholder_accessibilityEmpty carousel imageA placeholder icon to indicate there is no image for a carousel option.
smi_carousel_selected_icon_accessibilityOption selectedAn icon to indicate that an option has been selected for a carousel message.
KeywordDefault ValueDescription
smi_chat_feed_accessibilityChat FeedAccessibility label for the chat feed container view.
smi_chat_add_buttonOpen option menu.Content description for the add button in the chat view to open the options menu.
smi_chat_feed_titleChatTitle for the chat feed view.
smi_chat_start_conversationStart ConversationContent description for a button that is used to resubmit pre-chat fields mid-conversation.
smi_chat_start_conversation_feed_input_text_accessibilityFill out a pre-chat form to continue the conversationAccessibility announcement when the user needs to enter and resubmit pre-chat fields.
KeywordDefault ValueDescription
smi_feed_input_buttonSendAction text for the send message button.
smi_feed_input_textType a messagePlaceholder text inside chat input field.
smi_feed_input_text_accessibilitymessage InputAccessibility label for identifying the input control.
smi_feed_new_messagesNew messagesA notification that alerts the user that there are new unread messages in the chat feed.
smi_feed_new_messages_accessibilityYou have new messages.An accessibility announcement that alerts the user that there are new unread messages in the chat feed.
smi_feed_new_messages_button_accessibilityScroll to bottom of chat feed.The description for the notification badge button that alerts a user that they’ll be brought to the bottom of the feed.
smi_unknown_entry_messageAgent sent an unsupported message type.The message shown when displaying an unknown entry in the chat feed.
KeywordDefault ValueDescription
smi_action_copyCopyText displayed in the context menu for the copy behavior.
smi_action_copy_attachmentCopy AttachmentText displayed in the context menu for copying an attachment (when selecting part of a conversation entry that includes text and an attachment).
smi_copy_textCopy TextText displayed in the context menu for copying text (when selecting part of a conversation entry that includes text and an attachment).
KeywordDefault ValueDescription
smi_delivery_status_deliveredDeliveredThe message auxiliary view that displays the delivered message indicator.
smi_delivery_status_errorSend failed. Tap to retry.The message auxiliary view that displays a send failure.
smi_delivery_status_error_accessibilityFailedThe concise failed status for accessibility.
smi_delivery_status_error_additional_information_requiredProvide additional info to proceed.The error message that appears when receiving a 417 error. This message corresponds to needing to resubmit pre-chat fields.
smi_delivery_status_error_hint_accessibilityDouble tap to retryHint for the user to double-tap the message to retry.
smi_delivery_status_error_unsupported_media_typeChatbots can't receive attachments.The error message appears when trying to send attachments that aren’t supported.
smi_delivery_status_readReadThe message auxiliary view that displays the read message indicator.
smi_delivery_status_sendingSendingThe message auxiliary view that displays the sending message indicator.
smi_delivery_status_sentSentThe message auxiliary view that displays the sent message indicator.
smi_delivery_timestamp_yesterdayYesterday • %sThe message auxiliary view that displays the time information for the day yesterday with the timestamp.
smi_delivery_timestamp_todayToday • %sThe message auxiliary view that displays the time information for the day today with the timestamp.
smi_local_message_identifier_accessibilityYour messageThe accessibility text for identifying messages sent from the local user.
smi_message_received_event_accessibilityMessage received from %sThe accessibility announcement text that informs the user when a message has been received.
smi_message_sending_event_accessibilityMessage sentThe accessibility announcement text that informs the user that their message is sending.
KeywordDefault ValueDescription
smi_link_preview_accessibilityLink previewThe screen reader reads out link preview and then the name of the link.
KeywordDefault ValueDescription
smi_loading_screen_accessibilityActive loading screenA message that is read to the user when a loading screen is shown or when the loading screen is selected.
KeywordDefault ValueDescription
smi_message_search_headerMessage SearchHeader for the message search page.
smi_message_search_agent_avatar_accessibilityAgent avatarAccessibility text for the agent avatar in message search search.
smi_message_search_agent_bot_accessibilityBot avatarAccessibility text for the bot avatar in message search search.
smi_message_search_back_buttonBackThe back button for message search.
smi_message_search_clear_search_text_accessibilityClear search textAccessibility text for clearing the search field in message search.
smi_message_search_user_avatar_accessibilityUser avatarAccessibility text for the user avatar in message search search.
smi_no_matching_resultsWe couldn’t find what you’re looking for. Try searching for something else.Message displayed when nothing matches the user's search.
smi_no_recent_searchesYou haven't performed a recent search. Enter keywords in the search field.Message displayed when there are no search results and no text is entered in the search field.
smi_no_search_resultsNo search resultsMessage displayed when there are no search results.
smi_nothing_entered_in_searchNothing here yetMessage displayed when there’s nothing in the search bar and there are no recent searches.
smi_recent_searches_headerRecent SearchesHeader for the recent search list.
smi_search_placeholder_textSearchPlaceholder text for the search bar.
smi_today_timestamp_message_searchTodayTimestamp text for when the message was sent today.
smi_users_nameYouThe name shown for the user in the timestamp row.
smi_yesterday_timestamp_message_searchYesterdayTimestamp text for when the message was sent yesterday.
KeywordDefault ValueDescription
smi_action_cancelCancelCancel action to be used for cancel button and menus throughout the SDK.
smi_action_settingsSettingsSettings action for permission alerts.
smi_file_size_megabyteMBSize of a file in megabytes.
smi_misc_separatorSeparator used when conjoining information together in a string.
smi_misc_unknownUnknownThis string is used when a value or result cannot be determined.
smi_unknown_entry_messageThis message type isn't supported.The error message that appears when the message type of the message in the chat feed isn't supported.
KeywordDefault ValueDescription
smi_network_status_connectedConnectedThe network connectivity banner that will inform the user the network has connected after the network has lost connectivity.
smi_network_status_connected_accessibilityNetwork connectivity establishedThe accessibility announcement that informs the user when the network is connected after having lost connectivity.
smi_network_status_reconnectingWaiting to reconnectThe network connectivity banner text that informs the user the network connection has been lost and is attempting to reconnect.
smi_network_status_reconnecting_accessibilityNetwork connectivity is lost, attempting to reconnectThe accessibility announcement that informs the user when the network connection has been lost and is attempting to reconnect
KeywordDefault ValueDescription
smi_participant_client_menu_titleConversation OptionsText displayed in the header of the participant client menu. The participant client menu will contain actions a user can take in a chat feed.
smi_participant_client_menu_title_accessibilityConversation Options MenusThe accessibility message for the participant client menu.
KeywordDefault ValueDescription
smi_participant_changed_joined%s has joinedThe accessibility announcement that informs the user that a participant has joined the conversation.
smi_participant_changed_joined_accessibility%s has joined the conversationNotice that a participant has joined the conversation.
smi_participant_changed_left%s has leftNotice that a participant has joined the conversation.
smi_participant_changed_left_accessibility%s has left the conversationThe accessibility announcement that informs the user that a participant has left the conversation.
smi_participant_name_defaultParticipantDefault string for a participant with no display name or subject configured.
KeywordDefault ValueDescription
smi_back_button_accessibilityBack to chat feedAccessibility text for hitting the back button on pre-chat submission screen.
smi_checkbox_selected_accessibilityCheckbox selectedAccessibility text for when the checkbox is selected.
smi_checkbox_not_selected_accessibilityCheckbox not selectedAccessibility text for when the checkbox isn’t selected.
smi_exit_button_accessibilityExit to chat feedAccessibility text for hitting the exit button on pre-chat submission screen.
smi_pre_chat_back_buttonBackThe back button for the pre-chat form.
smi_pre_chat_choice_list_noneNoneLabel for the None option in a pre-chat choice list.
smi_pre_chat_error_field_requiredThis field is required.Error message shown when a required field fails pre-chat validation.
smi_pre_chat_error_valid_email_formatUse a valid email format.Error message shown when an email field fails pre-chat validation.
smi_pre_chat_error_valid_number_formatField can only contain numbers.Error message shown when a number field fails pre-chat validation.
smi_pre_chat_error_valid_phone_formatUse a valid phone number format.Error message shown when a phone field fails pre-chat validation
smi_pre_chat_required%s *The string for a pre-chat field label if the field is required.
smi_pre_chat_required_accessibility%s is requiredAccessibility text for the pre-chat field if the field is required.
smi_pre_chat_submission_card_titleForm submitted Tap to reviewText for pre-chat cell that shows in chat after submitting form.
smi_pre_chat_submission_review_titleSubmitted Form DetailsHeader for pre-chat submitted form details.
smi_pre_chat_submit_buttonChat with an AgentThe title of the pre-chat submit button.
smi_pre_chat_titleJust a few things before we connect you with an expert…The title of the pre-chat form.
smi_unknown_entry_messageThis message type isn’t supported.The error message that appears when the message type of the message in the chat feed isn’t supported.
KeywordDefault ValueDescription
smi_transcript_request_buttonRequest Chat TranscriptThe title of the request transcript button in the participant client menu.
smi_transcript_titleChat TranscriptThe title of the request transcript screen.
smi_transcript_leave_buttonLeaveThe leave button on the leave transcript screen. This screen warns the user that if they leave without saving, the transcript is lost.
smi_transcript_cancel_buttonCancelThe cancel button on the leave transcript screen. This screen warns the user that if they leave without saving, the transcript is lost.
smi_transcript_leave_titleLeave TranscriptTitle of the leave transcript screen. This screen warns the user that if they leave without saving, the transcript is lost.
smi_transcript_leave_subtitleBe sure to save the transcript before leaving.Subtitle of the leave transcript screen. This screen warns the user that if they leave without saving, the transcript is lost.
smi_transcript_save_button_accessibilitySave TranscriptThe accessibility string for the save transcript button.
smi_transcript_share_button_accessibilityShare TranscriptThe accessibility string for the share transcript button.
smi_transcript_error_messageSomething went wrong. Please try again later.Error message to display on the error screen when the transcript fails to download from the server.
smi_transcript_alert_save_failedSave failedMessage to display when the request transcript fails to save on the device.
smi_transcript_alert_save_succeedSave was successfulMessage to display when a request transcript successfully saves on the device.
KeywordDefault ValueDescription
smi_routing_failure_event_textAgents are not available. Try again later.A default system message informing the user that routing to an agent has failed.
smi_routing_initial_agentAn agent will be with you shortly.Shown when an estimated wait time is available and the routing type is in the initial state.
smi_routing_wait_resolved_minutesYour expected wait time is %s minutes.Shown when the estimated wait time is greater than 60 seconds. Rounded up to the nearest minute.
smi_routing_wait_resolved_shortYour expected wait time is less than one minute.Shown when the estimated wait time is less than or equal to 60 seconds.
KeywordDefault ValueDescription
smi_form_message_back_buttonBackThe back button for the secure form.
smi_form_message_back_button_accessibilityBack to chat feedThe accessibility text for hitting the back button on Form Message submission screen.
smi_form_message_exit_screen_subtitleAfter leaving the form, you can open it again in the messaging window. However, your progress isn't saved.The subtitle for the secure form exit confirmation screen.
smi_form_message_exit_screen_titleLeave the formThe main title for the secure form exit confirmation screen.
smi_form_message_footer_backBackThe text displayed in the footer menu of the Form Message for the back button.
smi_form_message_footer_nextNextThe text displayed in the footer menu of the Form Message for the next button.
smi_form_message_footer_submitSubmitThe text displayed in the footer menu of the Form Message for the submit button.
smi_form_message_divider%d/%dThe divider for the form message text field character counter.
smi_form_message_exit_screen_cancelCancelThe cancel button text for the secure form exit confirmation screen.
smi_form_message_exit_screen_confirmLeave FormThe leave-form button for the secure form exit confirmation screen.
smi_form_message_option_required_messageOne or more options requiredThe string that is displayed below a form entry that indicates that this item is required.
smi_form_message_required% *The string for a form message field label if the field is required.
smi_form_message_required_accessibility%@ is requiredThe accessibility string for the form message field if the field is required.
smi_form_message_result_errorError Submitting FormThe message shown in the chat bubble when a form fails to submit.
smi_form_message_result_successForm SubmittedThe message shown in the chat bubble when a form has been successfully submitted.
smi_form_message_result_submittingForm SubmittingThe message shown in the chat bubble when a form is submitting.
smi_form_message_text_input_required_messageThis field is requiredThe string that is displayed below a form entry that indicates that this item is required.
smi_form_message_text_invalid_emailNot a valid emailThe string that is displayed below a form entry that indicates that an invalid email has been entered.
smi_form_message_text_invalid_urlNot a valid urlThe string that is displayed below a form entry that indicates that an invalid url has been entered.
KeywordDefault ValueDescription
smi_terms_and_conditions_acceptAcceptMessage displayed next to the checkbox to accept the Terms and Conditions.
smi_terms_and_conditions_errorAccept the Terms and Conditions to continue.Error message displayed when the Terms and Conditions are required but not accepted.
KeywordDefault ValueDescription
smi_typing_indicator_accessibility%@ is typingThe accessibility label for the agent typing indicator.
smi_typing_indicator_start_accessibility%@ has started typingThe accessibility announcement that informs the user when a participant starts typing.
smi_typing_indicator_stop_accessibility%@ has stopped typingThe accessibility announcement that informs the user when a participant stops typing.