Create Initial Submission Actions | Trailhead Screen Reader Instructions


An initial submission action occurs when a user first submits a record for approval. (By default, the record is locked. You unlock it in a bit.) In this step, you specify the parameters for approval outlined by Allison Wheeler back in our first step, including who approves discounts based on the varying criteria.


  1. If you’ve navigated away from where you ended the previous step, enter Approval Processes in the Setup search box, then locate the table for Inactive Approval Processes. Select the result for the Discount Approval Process from the table.
  2. Under the Initial Submission Actions heading, locate the text reading Add New and press enter on it. Links will expand below this point. Activate the link for Field Update and complete the field update details with these values:
    Field Value


    Approval Status Pending

    Unique Name

    [this field auto-populates]

    Field to Update

    Approval Status

    Picklist Options: A specific value


  3. Activate the Save button.

Next, create approval steps.

  1. Activate the New Approval Step  button and complete the details of the first approval step
    Field Value


    Manager Approval

    Unique Name

    [this field auto-populates]


    Discount approver must approve discounts over 15%

    Step Number


  2. Activate the Next button.
  3. Select the radio button for Enter this step if the following . From the first combo box, choose criteria are met.  From the second combo box, choose else approve record. Then, fill in these details:
    Field Operator Value

    Opportunity: Discount Percentage

    greater than


  4. Activate the Next button, then complete the assigned approver information:
    • Select the radio button for Automatically assign using the user field selected earlier (Manager).
    • Deselect The approver’s delegate may also approve this request checkbox.
  5. Activate the Save button.
  6. On the What Would You Like To Do Now? page, select the radio button for No, I'll do this later, take me to the approval process detail page to review what I've just created.
  7. Activate the Go! Button.
  8. Under the Approval Steps heading, activate the New Approval Step  button and complete the details of the second approval step:
    Field Value


    VP Approval

    Unique Name

    [this field auto-populates]


    VP North American Sales must approve discounts over 40%

    Step Number


  9. Activate the Next button.
  10. Select the radio button for Enter this step if the following. From the combo box, choose criteria are met. Fill in these details:
    Field Operator Value

    Opportunity: Discount Percentage

    greater than


  11. Activate the Next button, then complete the assigned approver information:
    1. Under the Select Approver heading, select the radio button for Automatically assign to approver(s)
    2. From the search scope combo box, choose User
    3. Use the lookup link below the search field to find and select Allison Wheeler
    4. Select the radio button for Approve or reject based on the FIRST response
    5. Uncheck the checkbox for Approver’s delegate may also approve this request
    6. Under the Reject Behavior heading, select the radio button for Perform all rejection actions for this step AND all final rejection actions (Final Rejection)
  12. Activate the Save button.
  13. On the What Would You Like To Do Now? page, select No, I'll do this later, take me to the approval process detail page to review what I've just created.
  14. Activate the Go! button
  15. Press ENTER on the Activate button, then press ENTER on OK. Note: This activation is premature since there’s still a bit of work to be done on this approval process, but it allows us to verify you’ve successfully completed this step of the project. We’ll deactivate the approval process in the beginning of the next step.


OK—you’ve made it through the initial approval actions. Now you’re headed to the home stretch. Move on to the final step in this project and tackle final approval and rejection actions.

Click to return to the unit on Trailhead to verify this step.