Check for a Matching Contact in Your Org | Trailhead Screen Reader Instructions

Use a Get Records Element to Find a Matching Contact

Add a Get Records element to your flow to query your org for any existing contact whose name matches what the flow user enters.

  1. Navigate down past the element node for Contact Info and locate the Add Element button menu just beneath it. We’ll be adding our Get Records element directly above the End Element position.
  2. Press ENTER on Add Element, then select Get Records from the menu.
  3. In the New Get Records window, enter these values.
    Field Value
    Label Find a Match
    API Name Find_a_Match
    Object Contact
  4. Under the Filter Contact Records heading, for Condition Requirements, select All Conditions Are Met (AND). Enter these conditions.
    Field  Operator Value
    FirstName Equals {!contact.FirstName}
  5. Activate the Add Condition button, and enter these conditions.
    Field Operator Value
    LastName Equals {!contact.LastName}
  6. Activate the Done button.
  7. Ensure that the Find a Match button menu is between Contact Info and End Element on the canvas.
  8. Activate the Save button.

Click to return to the unit on Trailhead to verify this step.