Create a Portfolio Site | Trailhead Screen Reader Instructions

Learning Objectives

In this project, you’ll:

Why Create a Personal Portfolio?

Welcome students and career seekers! You’ve been hitting the trails hard and feel like you know a lot about Salesforce. While you may not have on-the-job experience using Salesforce, with a little creativity, you can still show potential employers that you are an out-of-the-box thinker while showing off your Salesforce skills. 

In this project, you create a personal website and add a personal portfolio to help share your skills and grow your career. As you know, a one-page resume doesn’t always highlight everything about you. In this portfolio, you can include details about yourself that you can’t include in your resume. By the end of this project, you’ll have your own portfolio to shine a spotlight on your skills and achievements. This is also a great opportunity to connect with the

 Trailblazer Community.

You can open up potential job opportunities by sharing your portfolio with members of the Trailblazer Community and recruiters. 

Launch Your Playground

To complete this project, you need a free Trailhead Playground or Developer Edition org. You can find it at the bottom of this page. Click Launch to open the Trailhead Playground in a new browser tab (login required).

Ready to shine a spotlight on yourself? Here we go!

Enable Sites and Set the Domain Name

For this project, we use Salesforce Experience Cloud, which enables you to create beautiful, branded portals, forums, and sites, without writing any code. 

OK, let’s get started by turning on Experiences.

  1. Click the Setup button and select Service Setup.
  2. Enter Experiences in the Quick Find field, then tab into the tree view and select Settings under Digital Experiences.
  3. Select the checkbox for Enable Digital Experiences.
    Note: If enhanced domains are enabled in your org, your digital experiences domain is shown. It includes your My Domain name in the format for production orgs.
    If digital experiences is already enabled for your org, skip steps 4-6.
  4. After you enable Digital Experiences, the system automatically assigns you a domain name.
  5. Click Save and then click OK.

High-five, trailblazer! You’ve just created your custom domain.

Set Up a Basic Site

Now let’s set up a basic site, which you’ll turn into your portfolio. You should have been redirected to the All Sites page in Setup, but if not, enter digital experiences in Quick Find, and tab to the tree view to find and select All Sites.

  1. Click New.
  2. Select the Customer Account Portal template. NVDA may announce the template names correctly, but JAWS may not. The Customer Account Portal template may announce to JAWS with the following text: by Salesforce. Record Management Third-Party Integration Streamlined Profile Knowledge Base. Create a responsive portal where customers can access knowledge articles, view and update their accounts, and create and manage cases, claims, or other Salesforce records.
    Note:  You can use any Lightning template with custom theme layouts, but for this project stick with the Customer Account Portal specifically.
  3. Click the Get Started button.
  4. Enter a site name and URL. Name the site <your first name and last name>.
  5. Type portfolio into the URL field. The URL should look something like this: https://[domain name]
  6. Click the Create button Your site has been created in Preview status, which means that what you have created isn’t in the world yet.

Take a quick look around. This area is Workspaces where you customize and administer your site. There are many additional features that you typically need to configure in a site, but for our purposes, you can dive right into personalizing your site.


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