Customize Opportunity Stages | Trailhead Screen Reader Instructions


The next leg of your journey to sales path creation involves customizing qualification stages. Here you’re able to provide guidance for success content. Like helpful signs pointing travelers in the right direction, this can include anything from tips, policy reminders, and best practices to links, Chatter posts, and videos—any material that helps sales reps close their deals quickly.


Set the Path

  1. Activate the Setup button menu near the top of the page and choose Setup.
  2. Enter Path Settings in the Setup search box, then select the result for Path Settings.
  3. Activate the Enable button, then activate the New Path  button and fill in these values:
    Field Value
    Path Name North American Sales Path
    API Reference Name [this field auto-completes]
    Object Opportunity
    Record Type B2B Opportunities
    Picklist Stage
  4. Activate the Next link.
  5. Locate the Path Options combo box and ensure Prospecting  is selected.
  6. Activate the Add/Update Fields button under the Fields heading at level 3.
  7. Move each of the following fields  from the Available Fields list to Selected Fields. Note that you may need to TAB out of the Available Fields list and back in again to review what field is currently selected.
    • Account Name
    • Expected Revenue
    • Lead Source
    • Next Step
  8. Activate the Save button.
  9. Under the Guidance for Success heading, locate the Compose Text edit field located past the formatting controls. Enter the following text in the field:
    Learn how to make the most of Salesforce, and make your sales move more quickly and efficiently, by completing the trail Optimize Sales Features for Lightning Experience:
  10. Navigate back up to the Path Header combo box and select Qualification  from the list.
  11. Activate the Add/Update Fields button under the Fields heading.
  12. Move the following fields from Available Fields to Selected Fields:
    • Close Date
    • Amount
  13. Activate the Save button.
  14. In the text box under the Guidance for Success heading, enter the following text:
    Qualify the opportunity and confirm budget:
    What problems are they trying to solve?
    How does solving these problems help them?
    What is their budget?
  15. Select Needs Analysis  in the Path Header combo box.
  16. Activate the  Add/Update Fields button under the Fields heading.
  17. Move the following fields from Available Fields to Selected Fields:
    • Expected Revenue
    • Forecast Category
    • Main Competitors
  18. Activate the Save button.
  19. In the text box under the Guidance for Success heading, enter the following text:
    Check out this helpful Salesforce video, 3 Steps to Reduce Time to Close:
  20. Press ENTER on the Next link at the bottom of the page.
  21. Under the Activate your Path heading, select the checkbox to activate your path.
  22. Under the Enable Celebrations heading, select the checkbox entitled When users reach a specific step in the path, help them celebrate their success with on-screen confetti.
    • Navigate down to find a combo box entitled Available. Select Closed Won from the Available list and activate the button entitled Selected for Celebration.
    • Navigate past the combo boxes to locate a radio button group for Celebration Frequency. Select the radio button for Always
  23. Press ENTER on the Finish link at the bottom of the page.


Throw the (Virtual) Confetti!

You just enabled the virtual confetti feature to trigger when a specific Stage is selected. Let's see the confetti in action when your reps follow the path to the summit (successfully close a deal).

  1. Activate the App Launcher  button at the top of the page and select Sales from the search field.
  2. From the navigation menu, select Opportunities.
  3. Activate the Select List View button and choose My Opportunities from the menu.
  4. Choose United Oil Office Portable Generators from the table of opportunity records.
    Note that none of these stages have guidance to success added as this opportunity is not the record type with guidance added.
  5. Press ENTER on the Show More Actions button near the top of the record page.
  6. Select Change Record Type from the menu that appears.
  7. Ensure B2B Opportunities is selected and press ENTER on Next.
  8. Activate the Save button.
    Note: Now that the opportunity is the correct record type, your guidance for success is viewable for the applicable stages. Feel free to adjust this opportunity's stage to see your adjustments in action.
  9. Activate the Mark Stage as Complete button.
  10. Select Closed Won from the Stage picklist and activate the Save button.
  11. Enjoy the celebration of a won opportunity! Screen readers may announce an alert that this is a celebration. This represents the virtual confetti.
    There’s still a little ways to go. Head to the final step, where you have the opportunity to take in the view (the Kanban view, that is).

Click to return to the unit on Trailhead to verify this step.