Enable Account Field History Tracking | Trailhead Screen Reader Instructions


VP of Support Noah Larkin would like to know which accounts are being marked as having support plans each week, so he can track which accounts don’t have a support plan expiration date.

To fulfill Noah’s request, enable history tracking, which allows you to track changes on up to 20 standard or custom fields on an object which can be viewed on a record’s History related list or through History reports. For each field, tracking logs the date and time of change, the user making the change, and old and new values.

Enable Field History Tracking

Enable field history tracking on accounts, and set it to track the Has Support Plan and Support Plan Expiration Date fields.

  1. From Setup, select the Object Manager tab and select Account from the objects table.
  2. Select the Fields & Relationships tab, and click the Set History Tracking button.
  3. Check the box for Enable Account History, then navigate down to the heading called Track Old and New Values. select these two fields to track:
    • Has Support Plan
    • Support Plan Expiration Date
  4. Activate the Save button.

Add the Account History related list to the Customer Account page layout. Note that these instructions follow use of the NVDA screen reader.

  1. Activate the View Profile button at the top of the page and press ENTER on Switch to Salesforce Classic underneath the Options heading.
  2. Activate the Setup link at the top of the Salesforce Classic interface page and locate the Build heading. Press ENTER on the Customize link below this heading to expand some options.
  3. Navigate down and click the Accounts link. Once the menu expands below it, activate the link for Page Layouts.
  4. Locate the table of page layouts and activate the Edit link in the cell to the left of Customer Account Layout.
  5. From the View combo box near the bottom of the page, select Related Lists.
  6. From the table below this combo box, position your cursor at the start of the first letter in Account History related list.
  7. Move the mouse to the current navigator object, left click, and lock the left mouse button.
  8. Navigate up to the related list table and place focus in the table cell below Contacts. Position your cursor over the first letter in the cell below contacts.
  9. Move the mouse to the current navigator object and unlock the left mouse button.
  10. Verify that the drag-and-drop worked, then activate the Save button.
  11. If presented with a prompt, press ENTER on No when prompted to overwrite users’ related list customizations.
  12. TO check your work, activate the Switch to Lightning Experience link near the top of the page
  13. Choose Accounts from the navigation menu and select any account record.
  14. Ensure that the Related tab is selected under the Tabs heading at the top of the record, and navigate down the page by heading to locate the Account History related list.

Now that you’ve given Noah the data he needs via field tracking, move on to the last step of this project, where you work with validation rules to help him ensure team is supplying necessary information.


Click to return to the unit on Trailhead to verify this step.