Work with Standard and Custom Fields | Trailhead Screen Reader Instructions
Learning Objectives
In this project, you’ll:
- Create new custom fields to meet business requirements and facilitate accurate data entry with formulas, picklists, and lookups.
- Ensure users have access to the right fields with page layouts.
- Manage multiple business scenarios with record types and business processes.
- Maintain data quality with history tracking and data validation.
AW Computing has established a Salesforce environment with users set up, profiles assigned, and access to records and fields configured. But they’re in need of further customization to ensure users have the necessary fields to capture the business information they need. That’s where you, the admin, come in.
To begin with, you have a request from Head of Sales Operations Yuko Ishikawa. Yuko says her Sales Op team uses the Account Rating field for sales prospecting, but they’re concerned that account owners aren’t capturing this information correctly because they don’t understand what the field is for. To help her team use the field properly and capture all the data they need, change the name of the field, provide guidance on how to use it, add an additional value, and restrict who can edit it.
Customize Profiles and Objects
Before you get to those tasks, create profiles for members of the sales and support teams.
- Activate the setup button and select Setup from the menu.
- Enter Profiles in the Setup search box at the top of the page and select the result for Profiles.
- Activate the Clone link above the link for Standard User. You may need to click the Next link at the bottom of the profiles list to see the second page of profile results.
- For Profile Name, enter Sales User.
- Activate the Save button.
- On this page, activate the Clone button.
- For Profile Name, enter Support User.
- Activate the Save button.
Now change the label of the Rating field to Prospect Rating.
- From Setup, enter Rename Tabs in the Setup search box at the top of the page and select the result for Rename Tabs and Labels.
- In the table on this page, activate the Edit link at the start of the Accounts row.
- Activate the Next button.
- Find the heading called Standard Field Labels. In the table beneath it, locate the row for Rating. In the singular column, the table cell contains an edit field. Change the text in the Singular column to Prospect Rating.
- Activate the Save button.
Now add help text to the field, add a new value to the Account Rating Picklist, and update field-level security.
- From Setup, navigate to the Object Manager tab and select Account.
- Select the Fields & Relationships tab.
- In the table of fields, activate the link for Prospect Rating, then activate the Edit button.
- Enter this Help Text in the Help Text field:
This indicates the likelihood of a sale being made to this account in the next six months. Cold indicates not likely. Warm indicates quite likely. Hot indicates very likely.
- Activate the Save button.
- Under the Account Rating Picklist Values heading, activate the New button.
- You may automatically land in a text field labeled Account Rating. Enter Not Known in this edit field and activate the Save button.
- Activate the Set Field-Level Security button.
- Locate the second, larger table on the Field Security page. Select the checkbox in the Read-Only column header. This is the checkbox in the third column in the first row.
- Deselect the Sales User checkbox in the Read-Only column.
- Activate the Save button.
Next, create a checkbox field called Has Support Plan, editable by sales and support users only.
- From Setup, navigate to the Object Manager tab and select Account.
- Select the Fields & Relationships tab, and activate the New Custom Field button.
- Select Checkbox as the Data Type, then press ENTER on Next and fill in the details.
Field |
Value |
Field Label
Has Support Plan
Default Value
Sales users use this field to indicate to Support which customers have support plans.
Help Text
Does this customer have a current support plan? Check this box when you sell a support plan to this customer.
- Activate the Next button.
- Select the checkbox in the Read-Only column header.
- Deselect the Sales User and Support User checkboxes in the Read-Only column.
- Activate the Next button then the Save & New button.
Next create a Support Expiration Date field, editable by sales and support users only.
- Select Date as the Data Type, then press ENTER on Next and fill in the details.
Field |
Value |
Field Label
Support Plan Expiration Date
Expiration date of current support plan
Help Text
When is the current support plan due for renewal?
- Activate the Next button.
- Select the checkbox in the Read-Only column header.
- Deselect the Sales User and Support User checkboxes in the Read-Only column.
- Activate the Next button then the Save button.
Now that you’ve helped Yuko’s Sales Ops team capture the data they need, move on to the next step where you’ll create some picklists for them.
Click to return to the unit on Trailhead to verify this step.