Set Up an Experience Cloud Site for Salesforce Customer Identity | Trailhead Screen Reader Instructions
Learning Objectives
After completing this module, you’ll be able to:
- Enable Salesforce Experience Cloud sites.
- Create and activate a site.
- Change the default login page.
Experience Cloud Sites and Salesforce Customer Identity
You set up and manage Salesforce Identity for customers through Experience Cloud sites. Using the Communities license that you get with Salesforce Identity, you can create and deliver pages for your customers and partners to self-register and log in to your site.
In this brief encounter, you get a glimpse of all that sites offer. You can get to know it better with the Experience Cloud trail. But for now, we’ve got a Salesforce Customer Identity site to set up!
Enable Experience Workspaces
To set up an Experience Cloud site, you enable Experience Workspaces. With Workspaces, you can build and modify your site using templates.
- From Setup, enter Digital Experiences in the Quick Find box. Tab to the tree view of results. Under Digital Experiences, select Settings.
- Select the checkbox for Enable Digital Experiences. Your digital experiences domain is shown. It includes your My Domain name in the format for production orgs.
- Click Save.
Now that you’ve enabled sites in your org, let’s create your Salesforce Customer Identity site.
Create Your Site
After you enable sites, you’re ready to create your first site. Experience Workspaces makes it easy for you by providing several templates. When you create a site, default pages for login, self-registration, change password, forgot password, and your home page are set based on your site template.
For this demo, we’re using the Customer Service template. It has an App Launcher that lets users quickly find and access applications. By adding a selection of apps to the App Launcher, you’re making it easy for your customers to access everything they need. There’s no need for them to go elsewhere.
- From Setup, enter Sites in the Quick Find box, then select All Sites from the tree view of results.
- Click the New button. The Experience Workspaces Creation wizard displays several templates to choose from. JAWS and NVDA will read these template options in different ways.
- Select the Customer Service template. NVDA will announce the button as Customer Service Template. JAWS users should choose the option that says. by Salesforce Self-Service. Collaboration, Customization, Intelligence. Create a responsive site that lets members post questions, access relevant content and records, view articles, collaborate, and create support cases.
- On the next page, double check the heading level 1 which will display the name of the template. IT should be Customer Service. Click the Get Started button.
- In the Name field, enter customers.
- Type the word customers into the URL field to add it to the end of the URL.
- Click Create.
After a brief intermission, your new site opens in Experience Workspaces. This is where you manage your Salesforce Customer Identity site. Administration is where we configure our Salesforce Customer Identity site login page.
NOTE: Anytime you want to get back to Setup, click the button menu at the very top left of the page and select Salesforce Setup from the menu.
Control Membership to Your Site
Use profiles to lock down your data so that customers and partners see only what you want them to see. You certainly don’t want to give access to malicious users. A user who appears to be a customer can be a reaver (or, as they say on Earth, a hacker) in disguise. Profiles help prevent that from happening.
- From the button at the very top of the page, select Workspaces from the menu. IT may already be selected and the button’s name will change to reflect that.
- Below the My Workspaces heading, click the Administration link, then click the Members link.
- Under the Select Profiles heading, from the Search dropdown list, select All.
- In the Available Profiles dropdown, locate the Customers profile. TAB to the Add link and click it to add it to Selected Profiles.
- Click Save.
Salesforce takes a couple of minutes to update membership for your site. You receive an email confirming that you created a customer profile.
Complete the Initial Site Setup
To complete your Salesforce Customer Identity site setup for this demo, you need to publish it, complete the registration, and then activate it.
Publish the Site
Why publish your site now? You wouldn’t publish it yet in a production org, but our demo requires this step to avoid an error later on.
- At the very top of the page, click the Administration button, then click the Builder link. Now you’re at the tool that lets you easily brand your site pages. If you never opened this tool before, an introductory walk-through appears. Feel free to step through the walk-through before you continue.
- Click the Publish button, and under the Publish Your Site? heading, click the Publish button. A confirmation appears. Click the Got it button.
Behind the scenes, Salesforce creates login, password, and self-registration pages based on the Customer Service template. You receive an email when the site is published. Continue on—you don’t have to wait for the email to come.
Review the New Pages
When a site is created with the Customer Service template, pages customized for the Customer Service experience are added. You can modify the Login & Registration page to determine the look and behavior of your customers’ login experience.
- Expand the button menu at the very top of the page and navigate down the page to find and click the Administration link.
- Click the link for Login & Registration. Notice that “Experience Builder Page” appears under Login Page Setup and Password Pages. These custom pages come with the Customer Service template and were designed using Experience Builder.
- Scan over the Login & Registration page to see which login settings you can configure. For now, we’re going to keep the default values.
- Click Cancel.
Activate Your Site
- Click the Settings link. Notice that the URL of your site appears under a heading with its name. You’ll use it soon.
- Below the URL is a status indicator with a status button that should currently say Preview. Click the Status Preview button to activate the site, then click OK.
Salesforce sends you an email when the site’s activated.
View Your New Login Page
To view your login page, open your site URL in a private browsing (incognito) window to see what new users get when they click the URL. If you open the URL in a regular window, you see a page for someone who’s already logged in.
- If you’re not already there, select the Settings link.
- Right-click or press SHIFT F10 on the URL for your site to access the applications menu. Select Open Link in Incognito Window (in Chrome) or Open Link in New Private Window (in Firefox or Safari).
Check out the Log In and Forgot your password? links under the Login button. Remember the custom “Experience Builder Page” you saw on the Login & Registration page? That’s what built these links.
NOTE: Keep this browser window open. You’ll come back to it soon.
Replace the Logo on the Login Page
You now have a login page, but it’s got the Salesforce logo, which the Customer Service template supplied. Let’s change it. Here’s where you can impress your customers with a professional-looking and branded login page. You’re the most established delivery service in the galaxy, make sure that your customers—and potential customers—know it.
It’s easy to replace the default logo with your own. For this module, you use the Universal Deliveries’ logo file that we placed in our Salesforce Identity GitHub repository.
- By the way, if the GitHub public repository is unfamiliar to you, it’s a great way to store code in the cloud. Developers can share code and related resources independent of any single corporation.
- From another browser window, go to the image logo file in the GitHub repository. find the logo image file here
- Click the Download Raw Content button and save the logo on your local drive.
- Now add the logo to your login page.
- If you closed Experience Workspaces, from Setup, enter Sites in the Quick Find box, select All Sites, then click Workspaces next to customer site URL.
- Select Administration from the top button menu, then select the link for Login & Registration.
- Replace the logo. For the Logo Type dropdown, select File. Then click the Choose File button (or Browse depending on the browser you’re using). Select the file that you downloaded from GitHub and click Save.
Return to the login page in your private (incognito) browser and reload it.
Check it out. Your login page has the logo for our Salesforce Customer Identity module.
Replacing a logo is a simple customization that you can do right from the Login & Registration page. This is just one way that you can use Experience Builder to brand your site.
What’s next? Let’s set up a way for visitors to register as customers right from the login page.
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