Create a Self-Registration Page | Trailhead Screen Reader 


Learning Objectives

After completing this module, you’ll be able to:

Set Up Self-Registration

In the previous unit, you created a login page so that your customers can log in to your Salesforce Customer Identity site. But how do they get in the first time? How do you add a Register option to your login page? Good news: You’ve already done most of the work.

  1. If you closed Experience Workspaces or you're still in the Partners workspace, navigate to the Customers workspace. From Setup, enter Sites in the Quick Find box and select All Sites.
  2. In the table of all sites, click the Workspaces link next to customers.
  3. Click the Administration link, then click Login & Registration.
  4. Under the Registration Page Configuration heading, check the checkbox. IT may be unlabeled, but this is the option for Allow customers and partners to self-register. Notice that the page expands to display the Registration settings populated by the Customer Service template.
  5. In the Profile dropdown, select Customers. Your screen reader may announce this dropdown as “Profile Account.”
  6. For Account, (located just after the Profile dropdown, click the  Lookup link and enter Customers in the search box.
  7. Click Go! to execute the search and then choose the Customers account.
  8. Click Save.

It’s as simple as that. You’ve got yourself a registration page. Now you can invite a customer to join your site.

Return to your private (incognito) browser and reload the login page. Notice that the login page now has a “Not a member?” link, which folks can use to self-register.

If you closed your login page in the private (incognito) window, return to it for the next steps:

  1. Click the Settings link on your Workspaces page.
  2. Right-click or press SHIFT F10 on the URL for your site to access the applications menu. Select Open Link in Incognito Window (in Chrome) or Open Link in New Private Window (in Firefox or Safari).

Register a New Customer

Let’s see what happens when we try to register a new customer.

  1. From your login page in the private (incognito) browser, click Not a member? and make up a name for your new customer. Use your own email address so that you receive the welcome email.
  2. From your Salesforce org, click Accounts and then click the Customers account. Your new customer appears under the Contacts heading.
  3. From Setup, enter Users and select Users. Your new customer appears under Users. Your customer is now a user in your org with access determined by the Customers profile and External Identity user license.

Customize the Login Page with Visualforce Pages

You’ve created a login page and added self-registration using default Experience Builder pages. Simple, right? Experience Builder pages give you a quick, general-purpose solution to creating login pages. But it’s not the only option. You can have complete control over your login experience (including login, forgot password, and registration pages) by building Visualforce pages.

With Visualforce, you can

After you build your own Visualforce page to customize your users’ login experience, you assign the Visualforce page from Login & Registration. Here we assign a Visualforce page called “SiteLogin,” which builds a custom login page.

Several Visualforce pages come out of the box with Salesforce. Plus, developers familiar with Visualforce can create them for you. If you’re curious, you can check out the Visualforce pages that are already in your org—but not now. Let’s finish what we started. 

What Happens When a Customer Self-Registers to Join Your Site?

When a customer self-registers to join a site, Salesforce does a couple of things behind the scenes.

Congratulations! Identity is up and running in your site.

What’s next? Let’s give your customers the option to sign in from their social account.


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