Create Custom Price Books | Trailhead Screen Reader Instructions

By creating standard product pricing using standard price books, you’re well on your way to setting up the necessary pricing framework for the International Sales team. But the team sells to both nonprofit and enterprise accounts. The pricing for each of these categories is different, so the standard price book won’t work for them. The team also needs a quick and simple way to show the region that a price book supports. 

To accommodate these needs, first create a picklist that can be used to identify a region, then create multiple custom price books for the two accounts.

But before jumping in, make it easy to access price books by adding the Price Book tab to the navigation bar.

Add Price Book Navigation Item for Ian

Since Ian's profile is Administrator, setting his navigation is independent from his sales team, whose profile is Custom: Sales Profile. The Price Book navigation item also needs to be added for the Custom: Sales Profile which is done in a later step.

  1. Click the App Launcher button to open the App Launcher, and then search for Sales. Select the result for Sales.
  2. At the bottom of the navigation menu, click the Edit Nav Items button.
  3. Click the Add more items button.
  4. Under the Available Items heading, click the All link.
  5. Check the checkbox for Price Books.
  6. Click the Add 1 Nav Item button, and then click Save. Now the Price Books tab is available in the navigation bar. You may need to click the Show More Navigation Items button to see it.

Create a Region Picklist

  1. From Setup, click the Object Manager tab or search it from the global search field.
  2. Select Price Book from the table, and then click the Fields & Relationships tab.
  3. Click the New Custom Field button.
  4. For Data Type, select Picklist.
  5. Click Next, and then enter these details.

    Field Details/Action

    Field Label



    Select Enter values, with each value separated by a new line.

    Values Text Box





    Price book region

  6. Click Next.
  7. Keep the default field-level security and click Next.
  8. Ensure the Add field and Price Book Layout checkboxes are selected.
  9. Click Save.

Create Custom Price Books

Now create price books for Nonprofit and Enterprise while identifying the region each price book supports using the picklist you just created.

  1. From the Sales navigation bar, select Price Books (may need to click Show More Navigation Items button to see it).
  2. Click the New button and enter the details for the Nonprofit price book:

    Field Details/Action

    Price Book Name



    Check the box.


    Price book for nonprofit customers



  3. Click Save & New.
  4. Next, enter the details for the Enterprise price book:

    Field Details/Action

    Price Book Name



    Check the box.


    Price book for enterprise customers



  5. Click Save.

Add Products to the Price Books

Now that you’ve created two new custom price books, add products to each. Since you’re already on the page, start with the Enterprise price book.

  1. On the Enterprise price book page, click the Related tab under the Tabs heading.
  2. Under the Price Book Entries heading, click the Add Products button.
  3. Click the checkbox for each of these two products, taking care to select the correct currency. There are multiple entries for each product with different currencies. Be sure to select the entries for Japanese Yen:

    Product Name List Price

    GreenSun Ground (JPY)

    JPY 250,000

    SunPower Ground (JPY)

    JPY 140,000

  4. Click Next and enter the new enterprise list price for each product. For each product in the table, click the Edit List Price button to change the amount:

    Product Name List Price Currency

    GreenSun Ground


    JPY - Japanese Yen

    SunPower Ground


    JPY - Japanese Yen

  5. Click Save.

Now follow the same process for the products with Singapore Dollars.

  1. On the Enterprise price book page, click the Related tab.
  2. Under the Price Book Entries heading, click Add Products.
  3. Click the checkbox for these products, taking care to select the correct currency. They both should be the entries for Singapore Dollar:

    Product Name List Price

    GreenSun Ground (SGD)

    SGD 3,200.00

    SunPower Ground (SGD)

    SGD 1,800.00

  4. Click Next and edit the enterprise list price for each product:

    Product Name List Price Currency

    GreenSun Ground


    SGD - Singapore Dollar

    SunPower Ground


    SGD - Singapore Dollar

  5. Click Save.

Now add products to the Nonprofit price book.

  1. From the navigation bar, select Price Books (may be under Show More).
  2. From the table of price books, click the Nonprofit price book and then click the Related tab.
  3. Under the Price Book Entries heading, click Add Products.
  4. Click the checkbox for this product, taking care to select the correct currency:

    Product Name List Price

    GreenSun Ground

    USD 900.00

  5. Click Next and leave USD 900.00 as the list price.

    Product Name List Price Currency

    GreenSun Ground

    USD 900.00

    USD - US Dollar

  6. Click Save.
  7. From the Nonprofit price book Related tab, click Add Products.
  8. Click the checkbox for this product, taking care to select the correct currency:

    Product Name List Price

    SunPower Ground

    GBP 1,000.00

  9. Click Next and edit the list price for the product.

    Product Name List Price Currency

    SunPower Ground


    GBP - British Pound

  10. Click Save.

Things are shaping up nicely. All the product families, the products, and the pricing are in place—and just in time. The team has two opportunities that need to be created in the system, which you take care of in the next step.


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