Create and Customize Products | Trailhead Screen Reader Instructions

Learning Objectives

In this project you'll:


Ursa Major Solar, a Southwest US-based supplier of solar components and systems, has expanded to global markets and just hired Ian Lin as its new VP of International Sales. Right out of the gate, Ian has been given quotas for his sales team to sell the company’s new ground-mounted solar panels.

Ian wants to employ Salesforce so his team can start selling internationally. To do this, he must set up himself and his team as users. He then needs to turn on and add multiple currencies so his team can sell outside the US. He also needs to define the products and pricing in the system so his team can sell more effectively, and finally create quotes and orders.

In this project, you are Ian’s proxy, so you assign him to the system administrator profile and use his account.

Create a New Trailhead Playground

For this project, you need to create a new Trailhead Playground. Return to the Trailhead unit, click the playground name, then click Create Playground. It typically takes 3–4 minutes to create a new Trailhead Playground. Yes, we really mean a brand-new Trailhead playground! If you use an existing org or playground, you can run into problems completing the challenges.

Create Sales Role and User Accounts

Before building the framework the sales team needs, create a sales role to be used for adding the team's sales reps.

  1. Click The Setup menu and choose Setup. Enter roles in the global Setup search field, and then select Roles.
  2. Click the Set Up Roles button, and then click the Expand All link.
  3. Under the VP, International Sales link, click the Add Role link and enter these details:

    Field Details/Action


    International Sales Reps

    Role Name

    (keep default)

    This role reports to

    (keep VP, International Sales)

  4. Click Save.

Now set up Ian's account and create a user account for one of his sales reps.

  1. From Setup, enter Users into the global search field, and then select Users.
  2. On the All Users screen, find your username (current System Administrator), click the Edit link next to your name, and enter these details:

    Field Details/Action

    First Name


    Last Name





    (keep your own email address)


    (keep existing username)




    VP, International Sales


    Ursa Major Solar, Inc


    VP, International Sales

    User License

    (keep Salesforce)


    (keep System Administrator)

    Make Setup My Default Landing Page

    Deselect the checkbox

    Time Zone

    (GMT -07:00) Mountain Standard Time (America/Phoenix)


    English (United States)

  3. Click the Save & New button.
  4. Create a user record for Ian’s new sales rep with these details:

    Field Details/Action

    First Name


    Last Name





    (enter your own email address)


    (enter a unique username in email format)




    International Sales Rep


    Ursa Major Solar, Inc


    International Sales Reps

    User License



    Custom: Sales Profile

    Time Zone

    (GMT -07:00) Mountain Standard Time (America/Phoenix)


    (keep English (United States))


    (keep English)

    Generate new password and notify user immediately

    Uncheck the box

  5. Click Save.

Set Up New Currencies

Because Ursa Major’s new solar panels are sold both internationally and in the US, it’s necessary to assign more than one currency to the products. Before you can do this, you must enable the Multiple Currencies feature.

  1. From Setup, enter Company in global search, and then select Company Information.
  2. Under the Organizational Detail heading, click the Edit button.
  3. Under the Currency Settings heading, select the checkbox to  Activate Multiple Currencies. This is directly above the Translation Settings heading, and the checkbox may be mislabeled as a Translation Settings checkbox.
  4. While you are editing company information, change the Organization Name to Ursa Major Solar, Inc and the Default Time Zone to Mountain Standard Time (America/Phoenix). Ensure Currency Locale is set to English (United States) - USD.
  5. Click Save. You should now see the Currency Setup button. (You may need to refresh the page to see it.)

Now that you’ve enabled the ability to create multiple currencies, set up the required new currencies. Note: If the corporate currency is not set to USD, then change it to this using the Change Corporate button in Currency Setup.

  1. Under the Organizational Detail heading, click the Currency Setup button.
  2. If the corporate currency is not set to USD in the table, then change it to this using the Change Corporate buttonotherwise continue to the next step.
  3. Under the Active Currencies heading, click the New button.
  4. For Currency Type, select GBP - British Pound.
  5. For Conversion Rate, enter .78
  6. Click Save & New.
  7. Enter the remaining currencies. Be sure to click Save and New after each one, and click Save after the last one.

    Currency Conversion Rate

    EUR - Euro


    JPY - Japanese Yen


    SGD - Singapore Dollar


Now you can see all your active currencies and also the corporate currency.

Create New Product Families

Next, create product families to help categorize and organize Ursa Major’s services and products. 

Create a product family for Service Packages and Panels, keeping in mind that you need to assign a standard price in multiple currencies.

  1. From Setup, click the Object Manager tab or type it into global search.
  2. Select Product from the table, then click the Fields & Relationships tab.
  3. From the table of fields, select Product Family.
  4. Under the heading called Product Family Picklist Values, click the New button.
  5. In the Product Family field, enter Service Packages and on the next line, enter Panels.
  6. Click Save.

Add New Products

You’ve set up multiple currencies and created product families. Now you’re ready to add products.

First add the service product, which is a cleaning service for residential solar panels.

  1. Click the App Launcher button to open the App Launcher. Type Products into the search field and select the result for Products.
  2. Click New and enter these details:

    Field Details/Action

    Product Name

    UMS Solar Panel Cleaning Residential


    Check the box.

    Product Code


    Product Family

    Service Packages

    Product Currency

    USD - U.S. Dollar

    Product Description

    Residential solar panel cleaning service package

  3. Click the Save & New button.
  4. Create another new product and enter these details:

    Field Details/Action

    Product Name

    SunPower Ground


    Check the box.

    Product Code


    Product Family


    Product Currency

    USD - U.S. Dollar

    Product Description

    80-cell ground-mounted solar panel

  5. Click Save & New.
  6. Create one more new product and enter these details:

    Field Details/Action

    Product Name

    GreenSun Ground


    Check the box.

    Product Code


    Product Family


    Product Currency

    USD - U.S. Dollar

    Product Description

    60-cell ground-mounted solar panel

  7. Click Save .

Create Standard Price Books

When you create a product in Salesforce, you add a standard selling price to it using price books. These keep track of your company’s products and their prices. You can add products and prices to the standard price book, or you can create custom ones.

Since the products that Ian’s team is selling are sold internationally, there are multiple currencies to manage. So instead of one Standard Price Book, Ian needs five—one for each currency. 

Set up standard price books for the three products you created. But first, set the standard price for five currencies for the UMS Solar Panel Cleaning Residential product.

  1. Click the App Launcher button to open the App Launcher. Search for and select Products.
  2. From the table of products, click the link for UMS Solar Panel Cleaning Residential.
  3. Under the Tabs heading, click the Related tab.
  4. Under the Price Books heading, click the Add Standard Price button.
  5. In the List Price field, enter 450
  6. In the Currency picklist, if not already selected, select USD – U.S. Dollar.
  7. Click Save & New.
  8. Repeating these steps, add the standard price for the remaining four currencies. (After setting up the last currency, click Save instead of Save & New.)

    List Price Currency


    EUR - Euro


    GBP - British Pound


    JPY - Japanese Yen


    SGD - Singapore Dollar

  9. Return to the Products tab. You can either click the Recently Viewed link in the navigation menu, or search for Products in the App Launcher.
  10. In the table of products, click the link for GreenSun Ground.
  11. Click the Related tab under the Tabs heading.
  12. Click the Add Standard Price button under the Price Books heading.
  13. Set the standard price for five currencies for the GreenSun Ground product.

    List Price Currency


    USD - U.S. Dollar


    EUR - Euro


    GBP - British Pound


    JPY - Japanese Yen


    SGD - Singapore Dollar

  14. Return to the Products tab again.
  15. In the table of products, click the link for SunPower Ground.
  16. Click the Related tab and then click the Add Standard Price button.
  17. Finally, set the standard price for five currencies for the SunPower Ground product.

    List Price Currency


    USD - U.S. Dollar


    EUR - Euro


    GBP - British Pound


    JPY - Japanese Yen


    SGD - Singapore Dollar

Create a Custom Checkbox

Ian needs to find a way to distinguish ground-mounted panels from roof-mounted ones. To accomplish this, create a custom checkbox that’s visible in product details and on the new product creation window. 

  1. From Setup, click the Object Manager tab.
  2. Click the link for Product in the table, then click the Fields & Relationships tab.
  3. Click the New Custom Field button.
  4. For Data Type, select Checkbox.
  5. Click Next, and enter these details:

    Field Details

    Field Label


    Default Value



    Identifies non-roof panels

  6. Click Next.
  7. Keep the default field-level security and click Next.
  8. So that this field is added to the Product Layout window, ensure the Add Field and Product Layout checkboxes are both selected.
  9. Click Save. You can see that you’ve created a custom field because of the added extension “_ _c” in the Field Name column of the table.

Now that you’ve created the checkbox, set up a product list view so you can see at a glance which of your products are ground-mounted. 

  1. Click the App Launcher button to open the App Launcher. Search for and select Products.
  2. Click the Select a List View button and choose All Products.
  3. Click the List View Controls button and choose Select Fields to Display.
  4. In the Available Fields list, select Ground-mount  and click the button called Move Selection to Visible Fields.
  5. Click Save . The column with the Ground-mount checkboxes should now be visible in the All Products view.

Now select which products are ground-mounted. You can select each one individually, or save time by checking multiple products simultaneously.

  1. Select the checkboxes for the two ground-mounted products in the table, Greensun Ground and SunPower Ground.
  2. When both ground-mounted products are checked, Put your screen reader into forms mode or focus mode. You can also toggle the JAWS virtual cursor off.
  3. Navigate across the table to the Ground-mount field column and press ENTER on it. An Edit screen appears.
  4. Check the Ground-mount checkbox and the Update 2 selected items checkbox.
  5. Click the Apply button, then the Save button.

With the initial modifications you implemented—creating product families to organize products, adding products with standard prices in multiple currencies, and giving users the ability to distinguish ground-mounted solar panels easily—the International Sales team is on its way to having the streamlined, efficient tools it needs for successful selling. You’re not done helping, though. Continue on and create price books that allow the team to sell products at different prices depending on the region.


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