Set Up the Lightning Service Console | Trailhead Screen Reader Instructions

Learning Objectives

In this project, you’ll:

Create a User and Enable Knowledge

Before you create Ursa Major Solar’s Service Console app, ensure that all of the settings are enabled for the tools you need to access in the service console. One of these tools is Salesforce Knowledge. Enable Knowledge for Ursa Major Solar.

If you’ve already completed the

Set Up Salesforce Knowledge

project in your playground, you can skip steps 1–9 in this section.

  1. Activate the  Setup button menu in your playground and select Service Setup from the menu.
  2. Under the Recommended Setup heading, activate the first Get Started button which is located below the text reading Add Your Users. Make sure you are choosing the correct Get Started button. There is more than one!
  3. Fill in the information:
    • Email (Username): ada.balewa@ursamajorsolar + your initials + today’s date (DDMMYY).com
    • First Name: Ada
    • Last Name: Balewa
    • Profile: Custom: Support Profile
  4. Activate the Add User button and then the Finish button. Not seeing Add User? Be sure all the fields have been filled in.
  5. Activate the View All button directly under the Recommended Setup heading.
  6. Press ENTER on the Knowledge Setup link.
  7. Activate the Start button.
  8. From the Choose Your Lightning Knowledge Authors page, locate the table of users. Select Ada Balewa and yourself. You may need to press SPACEBAR on the checkboxes twice to get them to select. Once you have both users selected, activate the Next button.
  9. Activate the Next button again, then the Finish button.


If you've used the maximum number of licenses allowed in your current playground, please deactivate one of the licenses and then add Ada. Alternatively, you can create a new playground.


Set Up the Salesforce Service Console in Lightning

Now that Knowledge is enabled, create Ursa Major Solar’s Service Console app, which serves as the center for case management. Use the Setup Flow to get started customizing all the features the Lightning Service Console has to offer.

  1. Activate the  Setup button and select Setup.
  2. Enter App Manager in the Setup search field near the top of the page, and select the result for App Manager.
  3. Activate the New Lightning App button and follow the screens to add the new app details.
  4. Fill in the App Details & Branding information.
    • App Name: Ursa Major Solar Service Console
    • Developer Name: (This field auto-populates.)
    • Description: Ursa Major Solar’s one-screen case management interface
    • App Branding: (You’re not adding a logo or branding at this time. Skip the photo upload.)
  5. Activate the Next button.
  6. On the App Options page, first select the radio button for Console Navigation. Next, arrow down and select the option for Service Setup.
  7. Activate the Next button.
  8. On the Utility Items page, activate the Add Utility Item button.
  9. We have three list boxes. From the Standard Components list, find History and press ENTER. JAWS users can toggle virtual cursor off to access the list.
  10. Repeat steps 8-9 to add Macros and Open CTI Softphone. (More about these utilities later in this project.)
  11. Activate the Next button.
  12. On the Navigation Items page, locate the Available Items list box. From here, select Accounts, Cases, Contacts, and Knowledge. TAB to the Add button to move your selected items over to the Selected Items list box.
  13. Activate the Next button.
  14. On the Navigation Rules page, choose how the following open.
    • Accounts: This tab is already selected by default. Select the Workspace tabs radio button.
    • Cases: Press ENTER on the Case tab to select it. Select the radio button called Subtabs of. Arrow down, and choose Account from the picklist.
    • Contacts: Go back up the page and press ENTER on the Contacts tab to select it. Choose the radio button called Subtabs of. Arrow down, and choose Account from the picklist.
  15. Activate the Next button.
  16. On the User Profiles page, Locate the Available Profiles list box. Select the Custom: Support Profile and the System Administrator profile. TAB to the Add button to move them over to the Selected Profiles list.
  17. Activate the Save & Finish button.


Test Your Work

You just used the Setup Flow to customize the Service Console for Ursa Major Solar. To see what the user experience is like for Ada and her team, go into the Service Console app you just created and click around to view the features you just built into it.

  1. Activate the App Launcher button. In the search field, type Service. Select the result for Ursa Major Solar Service Console.
  2. Below the App Launcher is the name of the app, followed by a link showing what object is open, and then a Show Navigation Menu button. You can activate the Show Navigation Menu button to change what object you're seeing. We want to be looking at  Accounts.
  3. From the global search box near the top of the page, search for Edge Communications. Navigate down the page and press ENTER on the result for Edge Communications account.
  4. Note that the Accounts list view remains open on the left side of the console, and the account information for Edge Communications opens on the right, in the main workspace of the console. This is called split view.
  5. Navigate down by heading and locate the Contacts related list. Arrow down to find Sean Forbes and press ENTER on their name. The contact record for Sean Forbes opens as a subtab of the account.
  6. Next, use the global  search box to find and open the Pyramid Construction Inc. account. The account record opens as a workspace tab on the right.
  7. Navigate down  by heading to the Contacts Related list and locate Pat Stumuller. Press ENTER on their name to open the record. The contact record for Pat Stumuller opens as a subtab of the Pyramid Construction Inc. account.
  8. Navigate down by heading and locate the Cases related list. Under this heading, activate the New button. The case record opens as a subtab, and the Account Name and Contact Name fields auto-populate.

If you’ve completed the

Set Up Case Escalation and Entitlements

project in your playground, you’ll be asked to select a record type. If required, select the Inquiry record type.

  1. Log a case by filling in the rest of the information.
    • Case Origin: Phone
    • Subject: Solar Panel Warranty
    • Description: What is the warranty on the Solar Panels when they get installed?
  2. Activate the Save button.
  3. Activate the History button in the utility bar at the very bottom of the page to view your history. Activate the link called Expand Pyramid Construction Inc. to expand the history for this account.


Great! You’ve set up the Service Console for Ada and her team. They’ll be able to access all the productivity tools and information needed to efficiently manage cases all from one screen. Next, customize the console to include all of the features and layouts that Ada and her team request.


Click to return to the unit on Trailhead to verify this step.